I’ve always had a love for natural healing. Growing up, my mom had beautiful gardens and made simple remedies at home. When I became a mother myself, I wanted to be able to do the same things for my family. I read everything that I could on natural living. As I saw these things working for my family, I wanted to share them with others. I became a birth doula and student midwife, and used what I’d learned to serve my clients. I attended several herbalism workshops, but for years I didn’t branch beyond using single herbs. After my third child was born, I developed a severe case of mastitis. I was scared, and didn’t know what to do. An herbalist in my community brought me one of her herbal formulas. I felt better almost instantly, and was amazed. I wanted to learn to create formulas and help others just as I had been helped. This desire led me to enroll in an Advanced Women’s Herbal and Aromatherapy program at the Heart of Herbs school. When I graduated that program, I was still hungry for more. I had learned a lot about Western herbalism, but I wanted to dig deeper and learn about Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda. I found East West in November of 2012 and knew right away that it was the right fit. I am now an Advanced student at East West, and have attended two seminars. The experience has been nothing short of amazing. East West has given me the knowledge, skills, and confidence to begin practicing as a clinical herbalist, and I am loving every second of it. As I look toward graduating the Professional Herbalist Course, I am excited about all that is to come. My family and I have recently purchased a small farm in Colorado, where I am making herbal formulas as well as growing my clinical practice. I am continuing my midwifery studies and focusing my work as an herbalist on women’s health issues. There is always more to learn, and I can’t wait to see what is next!