This year after one of our best seminars ever (per many students and teachers), a large group of East West students and graduates traveled to China together! The bulk of our time was spent training with the TCM branch of Shanghai University, both at Longhua Hospital and in a local university classroom. It was an incredible opportunity and many of us are still getting on our feet after a recent return from this fascinating experience. TCMZone set up the training as their first herbal-only study group. As well, we were their largest group ever with 28 of us, including their oldest student, 88 year-old Madeline Kramer (Susan’s mother), and the youngest student, 12-year old Faith, the daughter of acupuncturist Bahia Ohlsen, who joined our East West tribe along with two other acupuncturists. Our mornings were spent in Longhua Hospital in split groups of 4 – 6 each under various specialty doctors, doing either hospital rounds or witnessing in-patient services. Afternoons found us in lecture with different doctors who shared their expertise on a variety of intriguing topics. All told we spent 7 full days in study. At the end, each of us was awarded a beautiful certificate in Advanced Chinese Herbal Medicine Training with Shanghai University. Along with learning new material and confirming old ones, Michael and I were most impressed with our students and graduates, many of whom are now wonderful teachers and successful practitioners with their own clinics. They shared such wise insights and engaged with the doctors on an advanced level so that many of the doctors expressed how impressed they were with our group. There is much more to share about this, and I’ll include more detailed information in future blogs. Stay tuned!