Ron Teeguarden is the cofounder, with his wife Yanlin, and leader of Dragon Herbs. He is widely recognized as one of the foremost herbalists in America. Ron has been a professional practitioner and teacher of the holistic Asian health arts since 1971. He has been a powerful translator of Eastern philosophy and health care techniques to ten’s of thousands of Americans for nearly four decades. He is recognized as the premier spokesperson for Chinese tonic herbalism in America, having spent decades teaching the concept that it is better to promote our health and well being than to become sick and then have to take remedial measures. Ron has written two major books on Chinese tonic herbalism. His first book, Chinese Tonic Herbs, published in 1984 (Japan Publications), is a classic in the field. It is the book that introduced the art of tonic herbalism to the American public. The Ancient Wisdom of the Chinese Tonic Herbs (originally published as “Radiant Health”), published by Warner Books (Time Warner) in 1998, is recognized as a major book on the subject of Chinese longevity-herbalism. It is a must-read for those who have an interest in Chinese tonic herbs and the Asian arts of longevity and radiant health. His most recent book, 30 Tips for Living a Long and Happy Life is available now. If you read it and apply the tips, you will probably live a long and happy life! Ron has been featured in articles in Time Magazine, USA Today, the Los Angeles Times and the New York Times, and many other newspapers and magazines, and in numerous news stories on television, including features on NBC, HBO and CNN.