Our graduation class. We ranged in ages from 10 to 88!

Class Together

Sheila Devitt and Lesley Tierra share ideas with ancient scholars

Tom Dedant and Peggy Zhi at TCMZone’s factory outside of Shanghai

Trash? Actually, these blue plastic bags hold bulk herbal tea formulas, enough to make up just one
week’s worth of medicine!
Students and Professional Herbalists Visit Modern Chinese Medicine Facilities
In May of 2016, Michael and Lesley Tierra of the East West School of Planetary Herbology led it’s first international study journey in conjunction with TCMZone! Over two dozen students and teachers (all professional herbalists) converged on Shanghai to attend Shanghai University and study at their associated Longhua Hospital for ten days. We participated in hospital rounds during the morning, exploring a different discipline every day such as gynecology, rheumatology, cardiology, and dermatology, and then attended lectures every afternoon taught by various local university and hospital teacher practitioners. It was a fantastic trip both in learning and in exploring how Chinese herbalism is practiced in China. As well it included tours to an herbal factory, farm and museum among other adventures.
If you are interested in this particular trip, TCMZone continues to offer it annually. Contact: 1606 W 12th Place, Tempe, AZ 85281 888-788-8086 or 480-968-8880
The East West School may periodically offer other international trips in the future. Inquire at: (831) 336-5010