Chapter 17: Internal Cancer


It is important that the physician should be able to diagnose cancer of the tongue from syphilis. You will find that cancer of the tongue is usually found on the side or underneath at the root of the tongue. The pain connected with cancer in this location is like the prick of a needle. The whole tongue may become very much enlarged. In taking the tongue between your thumb and finger it will fee1 hard and indurated. In other cases we find cracks or fissures on the side of the organ. I have seen cases where there was a hard, rough tumor with a broad base of a warty appearance, about the middle of the tongue, becoming after a while a ragged sore of a fungous character. It then bleeds easily and has sharp lancinating pains that extend to the throat and base of the skull.

In 1896 I kept a record of fifty cases of cancer of the tongue where this organ had been amputated and in every case it proved a failure as a cure for the disease. Treatment: When there is well-marked thickening of the tongue, I have given “Comp. Syr. Phytolacca” in teaspoonful doses after each meal and added five grains iodide potassium to each dose of the syrup. The following cases will illustrate my method of treatment in this disease.

In March, 1884, I had a case come under my treatment. He was a middle-aged man and had a hard nodulated tumor about the size of a boy’s marble. There was a throbbing, beating pain in the growth and for the past two months it had grown quite rapidly. I gave him tincture galium aparine, gtts XX, once in three hours and painted the growth with tincture galium, by means of a camel’s hair brush, several times a day. Under this treatment, in a month’s time, the growth was very much reduced, and he could take solid food without any trouble. The remedies were continued another month until the growth in the tongue had disappeared and it has never returned.

In February, 1886, I had a case of cancer just under the tongue, near the root. It had a purple color, bled quite easily, and he complained of sharp darting pain in it. He masticated his food with great difficulty. He was thirty-eight years old and first noticed the growth about five months before consulting me. I prescribed for him as follows: Tincture sempervivum tectorum 2d X dilution, five drops in a little water once in three hours and ordered him to use the following wash:

Tr. Sempervivum, 3i.
Glycerine, 3viii.

Mix. Sig. Rinse out the mouth once in two hours and press a piece of cotton wet with the wash against the growth and hold it there for a few minutes, three times a day. In a month, after he had been under this treatment, I examined him but could not find any appearance of the growth and the pain and soreness had disappeared. There has been no symptoms of a return of the disease since I treated him.

In January, 1888, I treated a man for cancer on the side of his tongue; it had a ragged sore and the tongue around the sore was indurated. It involved nearly the whole length of the tongue. When the cancer is on the side of the tongue and is ulcerated you will get good results from nitrate sanguinaria used in the following manner: Add one grain nitrate sanguinaria to one drachm of glycerine; mix well and drop two or three drops of this mixture on a glass plate, then dip a glass rod in the drops and apply to all the diseased surface. Be sure and clean the ulcerated surface thoroughly with absorbent cotton before applying the medicine. Use this application three times a day.

In the more advanced stage of cancer of the tongue when the ulcers on the tongue are deep and perforating, with a dark base and foul-smelling breath, muriatic acid 3d X dilution is the remedy. Dose, fifteen drops in a glass half full of water, teaspoonful once in two hours. In these advanced cases of cancer of the tongue the pain is very severe kali cyanatum 3d X will relieve to a great extent. Dose, two tablets night and morning. When the tongue is half eaten off by the cancer and the glands at the root are considerably swollen I would not expect to cure the case, but I would expect to give much relief with the two remedies just mentioned and thus ease the patient’s suffering.


In cancer of the mouth, the growth will usually be found in the inside of the cheek or on the roof of the mouth. In cancer of the lip the disease may extend into the mouth from the lip. Cancer upon the cheek will sometimes destroy the tissue and make an opening through the skin into the mouth; the disease then spreads over the inside of the mouth upon that side of the face. Cancer of the throat is curable if the glands of the throat are not much involved, if the patient is able to swallow food and medicine. If you place your fingers over the throat you can feel the swelling of the glands and the size of them. There is a sharp, shooting pain in the throat; it feels filled up, there is difficulty in swallowing, the breath is foul, the tongue is coated a dirty yellow. Underneath the yellow coating the body of the tongue has a dark red (beefsteak) color. It is not difficult to diagnose this condition. I have met with a good many cases of this form of cancer, but in many instances I have been called too late to render the patients any assistance.

Unfortunately our medical colleges do not teach the doctors how to diagnose the different forms of cancer when they see them. Thus it is that in many cases of cancer the patient is past cure when I see them; owing to the ignorance of the family physician he is not able to give a clear cut diagnosis of the case. There is too much guess work nowadays. The doctor will say “it may be this, it might be that,” but he is in the dark as to what it really is. Of all men on earth a doctor should be honest with his patients, and if he does not know what a thing is and cannot cure it he should be manly enough, be honest enough to say so. The people will respect such a doctor ten times more than the man who guesses about what a disease is, or tries to deceive his patients as some doctors do. A physician in general practice sees but very few cases of cancer in a lifetime, therefore his opinion should be taken for just what it is worth. When some of the leaders in the profession make such sad blunders in the diagnosis of cancer, what can you expect of the rank and file?

Treatment: In November, 1885, I treated a man for cancer of the mouth. It was situated in the roof and was about as large as a cherry and had ulcerated. It began about six months previous to my seeing it and was very sore with darting pains. The patient was fifty years old. I painted the sore with a ten per cent. solution of chromic acid by means of a camel’s hair brush three times a day. Used listerine, one tablespoonful to a cup of warm water, as a mouth wash and directed that the mouth was to be rinsed out every two hours. After each rinsing he was to hold a little of the solution in his mouth for a few minutes. Internally I gave him silicea 6th X, three tablets once in three hours, also “Comp. Syr. Phytolacca”, teaspoonful after each meal. This treatment cured the patient and left no trace of the growth in the mouth, and he has remained free from it since that time.

In December, 1886, I had a case of cancer of the mouth come under my treatment. The inside of the mouth, on the right side, was involved by a cancerous ulcer about as big as a silver quarter of a dollar. The breath was foul, mouth very sore and painful with darting pains. I applied lactic acid, pure, every other day to the ulcerated surface with a camel’s hair brush, and used the following mouth wash:

Tr. Sempervivum, 3i.
Glycerine, 3viii.

Mix.. Sig. Paint the diseased surface three times a day. Rinse the mouth with the solution after each application. Internally I gave the patient tincture sempervivum, 2d X dilution, ten drops three times a day. In a week I could see the ulcer take a more healthy appearance. The breath was more natural, mouth not so sore. In a month I felt that I had mastered the disease and the patient finally got rid of the ulcer with this treatment.

In May, 1891, I treated a lady for cancer in the throat. The glands of the throat were not affected. The breath was foul, tongue coated yellow, body of the tongue a dark red. She had difficulty in swallowing and took liquid food the best, but there was not much appetite and her vitality was low. The throat as far down as it could be seen was ulcerated and of a dark reddish appearance; she complained of sharp, darting pains in the throat. My treatment was as follows. Every other day I painted the diseased surface of the throat with pure lactic acid and had her use the following gargle:

Ex. White Pinus Canadensis (Kennedy’s) 3ii.
Borax, 3ii.
Glycerine, 3ii.
Aqua, 3viii.

Mix. Sig. Use as a gargle once in two hours, or spray the throat with an atomizer, if preferred, as frequently. Internally she was given sulphite of soda, grains ii. in a little water once in three hours and also “Comp. Syr. Phytolacca”, teaspoonful after each meal, and sulph. strychnine before each meal and at bedtime. Under this treatment, in a week, the coating on the tongue had cleaned off, the throat felt better and she could swallow with less difficulty. This treatment was followed until the throat was well. There have been no symptoms of the disease since I treated her.


Our American people eat too fast, they bolt their food, do not chew it enough. They eat and drink fast and whatever they like and at all times in the twenty-four hours. Victims of cancer of the stomach are hearty eaters; they are also great meat eaters, also tea and coffee drinkers. The latter weaken the muscles and nerves of the stomach and predispose the patient to some form of cancer, for this disease has a habit of fastening itself upon the weakest part of the system. The stomach, from this long abuse, becomes tired and goes on “strike.” It simply refuses to do duty. Our text-books, when it comes to the treatment of cancer of the stomach, offer no definite treatment for the disease and only a gloomy prognosis. I have found from long experience that the average doctor cannot diagnose a case of cancer of the stomach when he sees it. A good many cases have been sent to me to get a diagnosis of the case. Some of our surgeons are no better in this respect than their brother physicians, for they tell the patient that they will have to perform a preliminary operation. Of course this has to be done to find out what the trouble really is. After all the boasted medical skill of the century, and the high standard of medical education and the advances made in surgery, we find that the doctors of the old school, in many cases, are obliged to cut the patient open to find out what the difficulty really is. This is no credit to any school of medicine.

In the examination of a case of cancer of the stomach they often pinch and squeeze the parts, knead the bowels, stick their fingers into the rectum and go through all kinds of stunts to find out what is the trouble with the patient. Many times they leave the patient in a worse state than when they commenced their examination because of their rough handling. Now all of this is cruel and unnecessary. The doctor should have his eyes at his fingers’ ends. It is well known to all how delicate is the touch of a blind person. A good physician should have a delicate, sensitive touch and learn to depend upon his eyes and fingers. That is what God gave them for. I have been surprised to see old grey-haired men, who had been in practice for years, that could not diagnose a case of cancer of the stomach.

The favorite seat of cancer is at the pylorus, and the duodenum is often affected. This form of cancer is more frequent in males than females. It may also be found at the cardiac extremity. There is more pain when the cancer is situated at either extremity of the stomach. When located midway between the extremities there is very little if any pain. It is the great difficulty which the food has in passing the doorways of this organ that gives rise to so much pain. When the disease is located in the middle, or near the middle of the organ, there is no such difficulty experienced and hence there is little if any pain. Patients have died of cancer of the stomach when the only guide to diagnosis was an epigastric swelling, sour eructations, loss of appetite and a repugnance to taking food. Scirrhus is the most common form of the disease, although it sometimes takes the form of epithelioma.

If the cancer is at the pylorus vomiting will not take place for an hour or two after eating, but if the disease is near the cardiac orifice the vomiting will occur very soon after partaking of food. Very much is said by some writers on the danger of perforation of the stomach in cancer of this organ. While it is possible that such a thing may happen, now and then, it is more apt to occur in ulcer of the stomach and will happen in about one case in every eight. As life goes on the liability to gastric ulceration increases, while the risk of perforation of the walls of the stomach decreases. In this connection let me call your attention to the symptoms of ulcer of the stomach, so that you may differentiate it from cancer of that viscus.

If profuse vomiting of blood occurs in a person between eighteen and thirty, after a long continuation of pain in the stomach, extending into the back with tenderness of the epigastrium — the pain always brought on or increased by the meals, with sour vomiting or sour eructations, there is no doubt but what it is ulcer of the stomach. The pain of an ulcer is a lancinating pain; in cancer the pain is more apt to be a burning pain.

Symptoms: The history of many cases of cancer of the stomach that have come under my care is neglected or badly treated indigestion. The patient belches gas after meals, there is pain felt about two hours after meals. The pain is at first a lancinating, dull, twisting pain; as the disease advances the pain is a fixed, burning pain. This pain is situated at the pit of the stomach and extends back to the spine. At first the patient may only vomit a liquid-like water; then later there will be vomiting of sour liquid, frothy, bad-smelling, which rapidly changes to a substance that looks like coffee grounds. The rapid loss of flesh and dyspeptic symptoms, the sallow complexion, weak, rapid pulse are the warning symptoms of cancer of the stomach. If we place our hand over the region of the stomach, we find a swelling; it feels quite soft but at its base is an induration that extends from an inch to two or three inches in diameter. This should be handled very carefully; be gentle in your manipulations. Some doctors have done the patients a great deal of harm by their rough manipulation. A doctor who knows what he wants to find, and how to find it will not cause the patient any suffering during or after the examination. It is just the difference between a gentleman and a brute that is exhibited in the manner of handling the patient. Let this fact sink into your brain and stick there. Loss of weight and emaciation are two of the most prominent symptoms of cancer of the stomach and should put us on our guard as to what is really going on in the stomach. The great tenderness over the region of the stomach — the patient cannot bear to place his hand over his stomach — is another peculiarity of this disease. We feel the pulse; we find it the pulse of cancer, weak and rapid. The white of the eye has a pearly tint, showing a drain upon the system. The tongue may have a brown, greyish white appearance or a dirty, yellow coating. By the appearance of the tongue, you can tell about what proportion of the food is digested. It the tongue is heavily coated, white or yellow, it shows that there is food undigested in the stomach. A pale red tongue or bright red color with very little coating on the surface shows that the food is being digested in the stomach. If the tongue exhibits red papillae, or a dark red color underneath the coating, it will show you, as well as words could tell, that the disease is advancing toward the last stage. The favorable symptoms, showing that your patient is responding to the action of your remedies are, less emaciation, a gain in weight — be it ever so little. The patient is able to digest more, and there is an absence of the burning pain The complexion looks clearer, not so sallow and the vomiting is less frequent. The growth in the stomach feels smaller. All these are good symptoms. The continued vomiting, loss of flesh, growth in the stomach enlarging, patient takes less and less food and drink, pain almost constant. All these are bad symptoms. The pulse is a valuable guide, if we read it right. It will tell us the condition of the patient better than any other one thing. Attention to the pulse tells you of the pain and suffering of the patient just as well as he could tell you himself.

A pulse that is strong, full and regular tells you that there is more vitality in the patient. If the pearly tint of the eye is growing less noticeable in the white of the eye, then there is less drain upon the system, and the diseased surface of the stomach is taking on a more healthy condition. It tells you this just as plainly as if you saw it with your own eyes. LEARN to read the EYES, the PULSE and TONGUE. It is the very FOUNDATION of diagnosis — the ABC of medicine. When our medical colleges teach their students how to read the eye, pulse and tongue, then they will be teaching them something that will be of some practical benefit to them when they go to the bedside of the sick. It is a hundred times more valuable to them than all the time spent in laboratory experimenting on rats, mice and rabbits, which is of no practical use to them because it does not tell them how to heal the sick. That is what doctors are supposed to know, if not, WHAT do they spend four years at a medical college for?

Treatment: In my time I have met with over 600 cases of cancer of the stomach; some of them were in the very last stages of the disease and past medical aid. I have always considered a case of this disease curable when the patient could still retain some medicine and nourishment in the stomach and the cancerous growth had not involved the larger part of the stomach. When the disease has advanced so far that everything is rejected by the stomach, my faith in a possible cure is weak. In acetic acid we have a remedy that will dissolve the cancer cells in the stomach. Time and time again I have seen the growth in the stomach gradually melt away under the internal and external use of this remedy, until I have learned to believe in the curative properties of this remedy in this form of internal cancer.

In Hydrastis, we have another remedy of undoubted value, as a curative agent in cancer. Even so far back as Indian medicine they believed in its curative sects in cancer. The early fathers of the Eclectic and Botanic schools of medicine valued this remedy highly in cancer of the stomach. For many years I tested hydrastis to find the indication for the remedy, and in what particular form of cancer it was best adapted. The question naturally comes to our mind, when should this remedy be used in cancer of the stomach? When there is flatulence in the bowels, distress after meals and a broad indented tongue; or it may be given when the tongue is yellow and slimy with sour eructations. The best preparation of the remedy, and the one that will be most kindly received by the stomach, is Lloyd’s Fluid Hydrastis. We begin with ten drops once in four hours in alternation with acetic acid est X dilution five drops once in four hours. Apply acetic acid 1st X dilution over the growth in the stomach. Keep a compress wet with this wash constantly applied. A cotton flannel bandage may be worn over the compress round the body but not too tight to cause any discomfort.

Some of our doctors have copied a report of a case of cancer which I reported in our Medical Journals and expected that they could cure all forms and cases of cancer with it. Such ideas are all foolishness. There is not, there never can be such a thing as a “specific” for cancer. I learned years ago to treat my patient and not the disease. Study the symptoms of each case carefully and learn to adapt your remedies to each case. You will never find two cases of cancer exactly alike, so if you stick to a stereotype plan of treatment you will fall down as others have before you. Now and then you will find a case different from anything described in the books. Then what will you do? Here is where the “school of experience” tells you what to do, and how to do it. Read up your materia medica, study the symp- toms of your case, then give the remedy indicated. Never mind what the text-books tell you. If a doctor should depend upon the teachings he gets from some books on “Practice” he would never be able to cure anything. All they can tell you is an operation or a gloomy prognosis. Use the brains God has given you. Do your own thinking. Do not let some one else think for you. We shall never progress as a profession unless we learn to know more and do more than the fathers in the profession. That is why the regular school never can progress, and have such poor success in healing the sick is because they stick to old ideas and theories, old remedies that have long since become obsolete and because the fathers have said a certain disease cannot be cured, they repeat parrot-like “it cannot be cured.” How do we know a disease cannot be cured, until we try to cure it in an intelligent, rational manner? “What man has done man may do,” and the doctor who can “do things” in his profession is the man the people want and will love and patronize. “Each victory will help you some other to win.”

For the fixed burning pain in the stomach, Fowler’s arsenic solution is the remedy. Dose, three drops once in three hours. When there are lancinating pains, shooting down from the stomach to the bowels you should give tincture colocynth. Add ten drops to a glass of water, and give a teaspoonful of this mixture once an hour. When the stomach seems full of gas with griping pains, tincture dioscorea is the needed drug. Dose, sixty drops in a wine glass of hot water; repeat this in one hour if needed. For the vomiting of sour fluid from the stomach, nux vomica is required. Dose, three tablets of the 6th X once in three hours. In some cases I have given calcarea flouride 6th X, three tablets once in three hours, to act upon the growth. The last two remedies prescribed as I have indicated have proven very useful to me in this disease and sometimes are the principal remedies needed. For the vomiting in this disease when, after eating, there is a burning pain in the stomach, a sense of fullness and nausea, a vomiting of sour liquid and undigested food Kresotum is the indicated remedy. I give the 6th X, three tablets after each meal and at bedtime. In vomiting from the stomach, when the patient throws up clear water that comes up very easy, or when enormous quantities of food are ejected from the stomach, that seems to have laid there for days, bismuth 2d X is the necessary medicine. Dose, three tablets once in two hours. Condurango is indicated in this disease when there are cracks (sores) at the angle of the mouth and a severe, cramping pain in the stomach, especially at night. Dose, five drops of the 2d X dilution once in three hours. In 1871 this remedy was lauded by the regular school as a cure for cancer. In 1879 and 1883 it was tested in the hospitals of America and Germany, and, because it would not cure all cases of cancer, it became obsolete like hundreds of other “specifics” of that school. They cannot understand such a thing as a remedy having an indication and that it must never be given in any disease unless indicated. It remained for Dr. J. Compton Burnett, that distinguished physician of the Homeopathic school in England, to point out the true indication for condurango. In my record of cases of cancer of the stomach treated successfully, I shall give the treatment as given in each case and from these descriptions the reader can glean some practical knowledge of the indications for remedies. Each case must be carefully studied; look for the leading symptoms — the guiding symptoms — which will indicate what remedy or remedies are to be used in that particular case.

In September, 1884, I treated a lady from New Jersey for cancer of the stomach. She complained of a burning pain in the stomach and vomited a sour liquid. There was a growth which could be plainly felt in the region of the stomach. I prescribed for her Fl. Ext. nux vomica and alcohol equal parts, five drops in a little water before each meal, and also the following prescription:

Sub Nitrate Bismuth, a. a. 3i.
Aqua, a. a. 3iiiss.

Mix. Sig. One-half teaspoonful after each meal. Acetic acid 1st X dilution was kept constantly applied by means of a wet compress over the stomach. This treatment relieved the pain and vomiting in a week. I followed the treatment until the growth in the stomach had disappeared and the stomach seemed in a healthy condition. I met this lady ten years after the treatment and she told me “her stomach had never troubled her since I treated her.”

In July, 1886, I treated a man in New Jersey for cancer of the stomach. The cancerous growth could be felt near the pyloric orifice nearly as big as half an orange. He had a burning pain in his stomach and an almost constant vomiting of sour liquid which at times was dark looking like coffee grounds. There was considerable emaciation and loss of weight. I gave him Fl. Ext. nux vomica and alcohol, equal parts, five drops, in a little water, before each meal; also Lloyd’s fluid hydrastis in twenty drop doses after each meal and at bedtime. Over the region of the stomach I applied,

Croton oil, 3ss.
Olive oil, 3ii.

Mix. Sig. Paint over the region of the stomach once in four hours until a crop of blisters develop. I then applied the “Comp. Tar Plaster” (Irritating Plaster) of American Dispensatory spread on soft leather. This was respread once a day for a week. As a result of this treatment I secured a good counter irritation and a sore full of pus. This sore was healed with simple cerate. This treatment cured my patient and now, at this present time, he is alive and free from any symptoms of the disease.

In January, 1888, I treated a lady for cancer of the stomach from New York City. She had lost considerable weight and was very much emaciated. There was a burning pain in the stomach, and frequent vomiting of sour, dark looking liquid. She could still retain a little nourishment on the stomach. I could plainly feel the cancerous growth in the region of the stomach. She had been sick nearly a year. I gave her acetic acid, 1st X dilution, five drops once in four hours in alternation with Lloyd’s fluid hydrastis, twenty drops once in four hours. I also kept the region of the stomach moistened with the 1st X dilution of the acetic acid by means of wet compresses. For the vomiting I gave her Kresotum 6th X, three tablets once in two hours. Fowler’s solution of arsenic helped the burning pain; dose, three drops once in three hours. This was only given for about three days before it stopped the pain.

In January, 1890, a lady came under my treatment for cancer of the stomach. A growth could be plainly felt in the region of the stomach. She was considerably emaciated, had lost much flesh and her countenance was sallow. She vomited sour liquid and indigested food, at times the vomitus looked dark like coffee grounds. She complained of a burning pain in her stomach, which came on one or two hours after her meals. For this I gave her Fowler’s solution of arsenic. For the sour vomiting she was given nux vomica 2d X, three tablets once in three hours in alternation with the arsenic, also calcarea flouride 6th X, three tablets after each meal to act upon the growth in the stomach. I applied the acetic acid est X dilution over the region of the stomach, keeping a compress constantly moistened with the solution against the skin. At times she was troubled with gas in the stomach that caused a lancinating, twisting pain. For this she was given Hayden’s Viburnum Compound, one teaspoonful in half a cup of hot sweetened water. She drank it all at once and it was repeated in fifteen minutes if needed. This would always give her relief. I followed the treatment for three months until I felt sure I had conquered the disease. She was finally cured and has had no symptoms at the disease since the above date.

In 1906 I was consulted by Dr. G. S. Farquhar, of Zanesville, Ohio, about his wife, who had cancer of the stomach, and I advised a plan of treatment for her as is given in this book. In 1907 I receivers a letter from him as follows “one year ago I prepared myself for such a thing as this. My wife, you will remember, presented all symptoms of cancer of the stomach and I truly thought it a mere matter of time when I should be called upon to follow her to the grave, but thanks to you for the information given me, and to you alone, I owe my wife’s existence, as I am satisfied she would have died. As it is she is now in good health.” Now, in 1911, five years later, she remains free from the disease. Dr. Farquhar is a student of mine and I consider him the best posted physician on the medical treatment of cancer of any doctor in Ohio. He certainly has made some very fine cures of desperate cases.

In October, 1910, a gentleman from Pennsylvania came under my treatment for cancer of the stomach. He had been sick for a year and had been examined by three prominent doctors in Buffalo, N. Y. While under my treatment he has been examined by two old experienced physicians who have been in practice for over thirty years and there is no question about the correctness of the diagnosis. When he first came under my treatment his nerves were very weak; He had diminished in weight from 215 pounds to 140 pounds. I examined his stomach and found a growth in the region of the pylorus. It was about an inch high, about two inches in diameter at the base and very sensitive to the touch. He could not bear to have his hands or clothes touch this region. His pulse was the pulse of cancer, weak and rapid, the tongue was broad and indented, the white of the eye had the pearly tint of cancer showing a drain upon the system. His stomach had troubled him more or less for several years. At times he had had a diarrhoea that lasted for some time. He had chronic nasal catarrh and spinal hyperemia as a complication. I gave him acetic acid 1st X dilution, five drops once in four hours, Lloyd’s fluid hydrastis twenty drops once in four hours in alternation with the acetic acid. I also gave him the double sulphide tablets (Burgess), one tablet after each meal and at bedtime. In two months’ time a thorough examination of the region of the stomach failed to show any growth or induration. At one time he complained of a fixed, burning pain in the stomach and I gave him for that Fowler’s solution of arsenic, three drops once in three hours. He took it a week and then left it oft for the burning pain was gone. The gas in the stomach, at times, would cause a lancinating pain; for this I gave him tincture colocynth ten drops in a glass of water, teaspoonful once an hour. He only had to take this remedy one or two days to stop the pain. At the end of two months I discontinued the double sulphide tablets, because he seemed to think they caused gas in his stomach, and gave him instead nux vomica 2d X, three tablets once in three hours, for the vomiting, which at this time was only clear water — before he came to me he had been vomiting his food considerably with a sour fluid. For two months I kept a compress over his stomach constantly moistened with acetic acid 1st X dilution. At the present time of writing — February 10th, 1911 — he weighs 170 pounds, which, for a man of his height is pretty near normal. He has no burning or lancinating pain; there is no growth in his stomach; he sleeps well nights; eats three meals a day. He is careful what he eats and walks out twice a day in fair weather, walking from two to five miles, He rarely ever vomits and then only clear water, which he spits up. His countenance has long since past the sallow look, the pulse about normal and the eyes look bright and healthy. From his present condition I should judge that he would continue to improve.

Diet of Cancer of the Stomach: We must bear in mind that the stomach has been abused, which was the cause of the disease in the first place. It has gone on a strike and refuses to do duty. The food and liquid passing over the diseased surfaces in the stomach cause pain and distress. When food lies in the stomach only partially digested it is liable to ferment, thus causing gas to accumulate. This also adds to the distress of the patient. Watch the tongue of your patient and then you can tell if the food is being properly digested. A yellow or white coating on the back part of the tongue will tell you, as plain as words can tell you, that the food is not being properly digested. When the tongue looks moist and quite clean your patient is digesting his food. The best plan regarding diet is to humor the stomach; give it as little work to do as possible. In severe cases, when the stomach seems to reject most everything — the patient will tell you that he cannot take milk — take some milk, have it cold, put it in a bottle, shake it well for several minutes. Now give him a tablespoonful; if he keeps that down, in two hours give him another spoonful and gradually increase the quantity of milk. You will find that frozen milk agrees with the stomach the best of anything. Clam broth is good to settle the stomach, also clam bouillon. The “meat extracts” are good, also bovinine. Vegetables, like tomatoes, carrots, parsnips, and turnips when well cooked are all good. Chicken and lamb will also agree with these patients. All solid food must be chewed over and over again, so as to give the stomach as little work as possible. An intelligent person will soon find out what kinds of food agree with him best. For the breakfast I have them take three teaspoonfuls of grape nuts with a little milk and sugar. Tea and coffee should never be allowed in this disease; if you do let them have either of these drinks it will interfere with the patient getting well. Do not give the patient a long list of things which he must not eat for it always discourages the patient, and when they get to the table they are afraid to eat anything for fear it will hurt them. If your patient can digest any portion of their food, they must gain flesh, or at least hold their own. Any gain in weight is always a favorable symptom. Meat broths and soups are good, but be sure and cut out fried eggs, fried meats, and fat, greasy food. The patients will tell you that they find that certain kinds of food cause more gas than others. This shows that the food is not properly digested. You would do well to be governed by what the patient tells you about how their food affects them. Do not lay down any cast iron rules of diet in this or any other disease. When a patient tells you that a certain thing agrees with them that is the thing they should have. Milk should be drank with their meals instead of tea and coffee.


In April, 1893, I was called to Baltimore, Maryland, to see a clergyman. Two months before I saw him three surgeons decided that he had an abscess in the right side of the abdomen. They cut his abdomen open but found not an abscess but a cancer attached to his bowels. At the time I examined him his countenance was sallow, abdomen tympanitic, harder on the right side. He had given up preaching in the previous January and was confined to his bed. The growth in the abdomen had grown rapidly since the operation. I prescribed far him as follows:

Tr. Thuja,
Tr. Conium,
Tr. Hydrastis,
Tr. Phytolacca, a. a. 3i.
Mix. Sig. Fifteen drops before each meal.

I also gave him Syr. of Hypophosphites (Gardiner’s) after each meal, in doses of two teaspoonfuls. For the constipation he was given one to two teaspoonfuls of Cascara Cordial at bedtime. Locally I applied this prescription:

Solution Iodo Bromide Calcium (Tilden & Co.)
Aqua, a. a. 3iv.

Mix. Sig. Wet lint with this wash and apply to the abdomen three times a day. For the constant severe pain in the abdomen I used a suppository made as follows:

Scutellarin, a. a. Grs. ii.
Ext. Hyoscyamus, Grs. i.
Butter cacao, q. s.

Mix. Ft. One suppository. Sig. Place one suppository in the rectum night and morning. In about two months this patient was so much better that he was moved to his father’s in Ohio. In a short time after he arrived there, he had a discharge from the bowels of bloody pus. The growth entirely disappeared. There was not vitality enough in the system to bring about a reaction and the patient died.

From my subsequent experience with such cases I have learned that in cases of this kind, the growth will either be absorbed by the treatment or else will break and discharge internally. It is wise to look out for the latter condition, and begin to build up the vitality of your patient from the very beginning of your treatment. Then if the growth should break and discharge from the bowels there will be vitality enough in the system to bring about a reaction. I have seen other cases similar to the one just described since then. In treating these I added to the treatment as given above sulph. strychnine one-thirtieth grain once in three hours, to increase the patient’s vitality, and succeeded in carrying these patients through successfully. I have known cases where the patient in cancer of the stomach instead of having the growth absorbed it broke and disappeared by the bowels when an improvement in all the symptoms took place.

A surgical operation in cancer of the stomach or bowels only hastens the death of the patient. It never prolongs their life. Many prominent men in this country have died from cancer of the stomach or bowels. In the presence of such a disease the regular school stands helpless and impotent, for they cannot cure it, so they proceed to operate on the patient.

My object in writing this book is to show the rank and file of the profession that there is a better and more rational treatment for this condition than these surgical carpenters can give us, and, if possible, to stop this horrible butchery in the name of science. One of the fathers of medicine has well said that “surgery is the last resort of an incompetent physician.” He has to acknowledge that he cannot cure it so he proceeds to cut it out.


Before taking up the treatment of cancer of the rectum I desire to call your attention to cancer in other parts of the bowels. This form of the disease is more frequently met with in adults between forty and sixty years of age. Cancer of the rectum is more common in males than in females. The colon is generally the seat of the malady, the rectum next, then the anus, caecum and sigmoid flexure. The small intestine comes last in order of frequency. In duodinal and jejunal cancer the symptoms are similar to cancer of the pylorus; the ejected matter is like coffee grounds; there is a movable pulsating tumor that reminds you of cancer of the pylorus; there is the cancerous cachexia and icteric symptoms due to the obstruction of the biliary duct. Intestinal obstruction is one of the first symptoms that attracts our attention and is attended with diarrhea.

A well-defined tumor may be felt, and the location of the tumor will tell you what part of the intestine is involved. Pus and blood will frequently be found in the stools. The pain is generally a lancinating pain spreading out over the bowels. When we examine the tumor it has a nodulated feeling. In cancer of the pylorus the gastric obstruction, dilatation and vomiting are the more prominent symptoms and appear early in the disease. Duodinal tumors give rise to jaundice, vomiting of bile and a fatal hemorrhage may take place. When the sigmoid is affected edema of the left lower extremity mayappear as the result of pressure; the stools will be scanty and ribbon-like feces appear mixed with pus and blood. There is severe burning pain and tenesmus. The pain is often most severe in the sacral region and from thence it radiates along the sciatic nerve into the lower extremities.

Treatment: In the treatment of this disease I must say that outside of cancer of the rectum I treat cancer of the intestines much the same as cancer of the stomach. To the growth that can be felt in the bowels I apply acetic acid 1st X dilution on a compress over the growth and keep the compress constantly wet with the solution. Constipation is frequently the great obstacle in giving relief to these patients. For removing this difficulty I like the following pill:

Podophyllin, Gr. 1/4.
Aloin, Gr. 1/5.
Ext. Nux Vomica,
Ext. Colocynth, a. a. Gr. 1/8.
Oil Res. Capsicum, gtt. 1/8.
Mix. Sig. One pill at bedtime.

This will be found to be a good all-round pill for the treatment of constipation.

When in cancer of the sigmoid, there is pain, burning, unbearable, spigelia is the remedy needed. Put gtts. xv of Tr. Spigelia in half a glass of water and give of the mixture a teaspoonful every half hour. If the pain is lancinating and shoots out through the bowels you should prescribe tincture colocynth. Add ten drops to a glass of water and give a teaspoonful of it once an hour. For the diarrhea, when there is emaciation, burning in the rectum, painless, watery stools that are very offensive, chinum arsenicum 3d X will give relief. Dose, three tablets once in two hours. For the early morning diarrhea so peculiar to this disease I have found tincture nuphar lutea the best remedy. Give five drops of the 2d X dilution once in two hours. For the exhaustive diarrhea with night sweats that is often met in this disease I use the following prescription:

Fl. Ext. Coto bark, 3ss.
Neutralizing Cordial, 3iiss.
Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful once in three hours.

To act upon the growth in the bowels I give acetic acid 1st X dilution in five drop doses once in four hours. If there is a stricture, at or near the sigmoid, we may pass a rubber tube well oiled with warm olive oil up to and beyond the sigmoid. If there are ribbon-like feces there is in all probability a stricture; if well formed feces pass away from the patient there is no stricture, or if there has been it is better. When I feel confident that there is a stricture, or a diseased surface at or near the sigmoid I first inject warm olive oil with a long rubber tube in a sufficient quantity to carry the liquid up to and a little beyond the diseased surface. This is done once a day, then twice a day. Inject one teaspoonful of Eclectic Wash in a pint of warm water into the bowels and have it retained as lang as possible. If it is only there a half hour or an hour it will do good. I gradually add a little more of the Eclectic Wash to the pint of warm water, but it should not be strong enough to cause the patient much pain. The Eclectic Wash is made as follows:

Fl. Ext. Lobelia herb,
Fl. Ext. Baptisia, a. a. fl. 3i.
Sulph. Zine, 3i.
Aqua, Oi.

This wash is prepared by Lloyd Brothers, Cincinnati, Ohio. It is one of the finest remedies known to any materia medica. See my book on “DEFINITE MEDICATION” under varicose ulcers, abscesses, etc. For the night sweats I give picrotoxine 3d X, two grains at five, seven and nine p. m.


This disease is generally met with in persons past the middle age. We have three forms of it. In some cases it is located near the anus. This is the most painful form. Then we find other patients who have one or more cancerous tumors from two to three inches above the anus in the rectum. In making a digital examination we will feel the lumps; they feel quite hard and nodulated. We learn by experience that the farther away from the anus the growths are the less painful they are. In benign tumors in the rectum I have used the following suppository with good success:

Resorcin, a. a. 3ii.
Pulv. Opium, Grs. xx.
Cacao butter, q. s.
Mix. Ft. Suppositories No. 20. Sig. Insert one suppository in the rectum at bedtime.

Cancer at or near the sigmoid is another form of cancer included under cancer of the rectum. The treatment for this condition was given under cancer of the bowels. When you find the patient confined to the bed, with constant discharges from the bowels, ribbon-like feces, and they don’t seem to have any control over the discharges and there is great emaciation, no appetite and indigestion it is not right to give much encouragement that you can cure him. The vitality of such a patient is so low and so much of the rectum is involved in the cancer that it is really past the remedial action of your remedies.

Symptoms: A sense of weight and fullness in the rectum, together with a burning heat passing upward through the thighs. The passage of the contents of the bowels is very much occluded and attended with excruciating pain, for this reason stools are delayed as long as passible, the nervous system becomes affected, sleep is almost impossible; and digestion becomes impaired. Abscesses form near the rectum, thus adding to the patient’s suiting. This is the most difficult form of internal cancer to cure, because the rectum is the natural sewer of the body, but it can be cured if the patient has control over the passage from the bowels. No operation so far has proved successful.

Treatment: In cancer of the rectum, it there is looseness of the bowels and this has been continued for some time, there will be a constant drain upon the system and the vitality of the patient is very low. They are anemic, the pulse is weak and has a discouraged feeling to it, the white of the eye shows the pearly tint of advanced cancer, the tongue — under its coating — shows a dark red. The condition of the pulse indicates sulph. strychnine. Give one-thirtieth grain before each meal and at bedtime. Internally to act upon the growth I like the following pill:

Phytolaccin, Gr. 1/4.
Sanguinarin, Gr. 1/8.
Mix. Ft. one pill. Sig. One pill once in three hours.

Some patients are very susceptible to the phytolaccin and it will cause dryness in the mouth and throat. When it does this a smaller dose must be given. In some cases of cancerous tumors of the rectum I have used Burgess’ tablets of which the following is the formula:

Bull nettle root, Gr. 3/4.
Double Sulphide, Gr. 1/4.
At my suggestion he added to this formula Phytolaccin Gr. 1/4.
Mix. Sig. Two tablets once in three hours.

I am inclined to think that the jatropa (bull nettle root) in the above tablets does have a curative effect upon the tumors in the rectum. When the tumors can be reached I use a long needle syringe and every other day inject about twenty drops of tincture thuja into the body of the tumor. This remedy acts as an absorbent. The growth gradually grows smaller and sometimes sloughs away en masse. There is not much pain to the injection but there will be a slight elevation of temperature and the pulse.

The feeling of fullness and pressure in the rectum that patients often complain of may be relieved by collinaonia in these proportions:

Tr. Collinsonia, 3ss.
Aqua, 3vi.
Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful once an hour.

Violent cutting pains in the rectum (a feeling as if it was torn) after every stool, is an indication for nitric acid third decimal dilution. Add fifteen drops to half a glass of water and give a teaspoonful of the mixture once in two hours. To relieve the pain at night I have used this suppository:

Scutellarin, a. a. Grs. ii.
Ext. Hyoscyamus, Gr. i.
Butter Cacao, q. s.
Mix. Ft. One suppository. Sig. Insert one suppository in the rectum at bedtime.

For the unbearable lancinating pains in the rectum, plumbum iodide is the remedy. Dose, three tablets of the third decimal once in two hours. To impress upon the mind of the reader the importance of being able to meet every complication that may arise in the treatment of cancer, I here insert a report of a case treated by me taken from “THE ECLECTIC REVIEW,” May 1910.


I have been asked to report this case by my medical friends because it has some peculiar features. A woman 75 years old, whose habits of life had been regular, never had any protracted illness to use up her “reserve force,” which was all needed as the sequel will show. She had been treated by a rectal specialist for piles. There were three tumors in the rectum about six inches above the anus. Pieces of one of these tumors had been examined by two pathologists and they pronounced it “adenoid cancer.” The family physician was a graduate of Heidelberg, Germany; a fine man and one of the best Greek scholars in this country. The other physician I met in the case, was an Eclectic, one of the finest men I ever met. He has since passed over to that Heaven where all good doctors go. The understanding was that the family doctor should visit the case every day, and the Eclectic twice a week as he lived in a city nearby. I was to see the patient once a week with the other doctors.

The plan of treatment agreed upon was sulphate strychnine one-thirtieth grain one granule before each meal and at bedtime. To act upon the growth in the rectum one-fourth grain of phytolaccin was given once in three hours, It seemed to have some good effect, but we found later that jatropa (bull nettle) had a better effect. We gave two tablets once in three hours of jatropa 1 1/2 grains, phytolaccin one-fourth grain, double sulphide one-half grain. These tablets were prepared by Dr. W. H. Burgess, of East Chattanooga, Tenn. Every other day we injected twenty drops of spec. medicine, thuja into the largest tumor. It did not cause much if any pain, and only a slight elevation of temperature. The most of the time she complained of a pressure and fulness in the rectum. For this collinsonia was given in the usual dose and it always relieved her. In about three months the large tumor came away in a mass and left a smooth surface. The other tumors were occasionally treated in the same way by the injection of the spec. med. thuja. The large tumor that came away measured three inches long, about half an inch thick and weighed 1 1/2 ounces. There was some bronchial irritation for which we prescribed spec. med. Stillingia 3iv., Syr. wild cherry 3xvi. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful once in two hours. This remedy helped that difficulty. The pulse at times showed a hardness and tension from the irritation in the rectum, for which small doses of veratrum were given when needed. Baths of epsom salts,one ounce to the pint of warm water, were given every night. No opiates or coal tar products were allowed. When she needed anything for her nerves, we gave her small doses of tincture hyoscyamus. Later on in the case she developed an abscess in the right buttocks, about eight inches back of the anus near the spinal cord; when the abscess opened, the opening was as large as my hands placed together partly opened. The inner end of the fistulous canal struck the rectum about eight inches above the anus but did not enter it. It was a splendid chance to study the anatomy of the parts. The two doctors, figuratively speaking, threw up their hands and said, “How are you ever going to heal that thing!” I said, “I will show you how I’ll heal it.” I ordered echafolta (Lloyd) one teaspoonful once in three hours in a little water. Also the “Eclectic Wash” of which the following is the formula:

Lobelia herb
Baptisia, a. a. 3i.
Sulph. Zinc, Bi
Aqua (hot), Oi.
Mix. Make an infusion.

One tablespoonful of this solution was mixed with a pint of warm water, and used as a douche and wash out the abscess with this liquid three times a day; also wet gauze with the wash and fill the abscess opening with it. In about ten days the stomach rebelled against the echafolta, so we substituted tincture echinacea. In three weeks the abscess had all healed. The two doctors said it was a miracle; they had never seen anything like it in their lives. The German doctor, a regular physician, said to me, “I want to know something about these remedies yon prescribe; where can I get Eclectic books and journals?” I told him just what books to get and gave him a course of reading to put him wise as to how Eclectics do things. Injections of warm olive oil were given high up in the rectum, as far as the sigmoid to keep the passage clear; most of the time well formed feces were passed, showing that there was no stricture of the bowels. Later on in the case, upon visiting the patient, I found, by an examination of the rectum, that there was considerable induration of the walls of the rectum and there were three ridges running obliquely across the side of the rectum. When we retired to consult on the case I said, “Those ridges are growing in the rectum and they will close the rectum in a week and then there will have to be an artificial anus made.” The doctors said, “Well, what can we do about it?” I replied, “I’ll take those ridges down in the rectum or else I’ll take down my shingle.” We prepared a remedy for injection into those ridges as follows:

Carbolic Acid C. P., 3ss.
Aqua Distilate, 3i.
Mix and add Glycerine pure, ass.
Tr. Iodine, 3ii.

Mix. Sig. Inject half a fluid drachm into one ridge at a time every other day. In a week I found upon examination, the ridges growing smaller and we finally flattened them down, leaving some slight induration at the walls of the rectum. During the treatment of the case several complications arose, but we met them and treated them successfully; Cactina, quinine and glonoin were given as indicated to increase her vitality but there came a time at last when her system failed to respond to the tonic effects of these remedies. The faithful old heart which had served her so well all those years just seemed to get tired out and stopped beating. Thus for a year and a half we fought off death in a hand to hand fight. I have always believed that it is the supreme test of a doctor’s skill to meet complications as they arise.

For the cancer when it is located near the anus, in the form of an irritable, painful ulcer I have used a ten per cent. solution of chromic acid applied twice a day. For cancerous ulceration of the rectum with indurations I like the following suppository:

Iodoform, Grs. v.
Ext. Eucalyptus, Grs. ii.
Ext. Hamamelis, Grs.ii.
Cacao butter, q. s.

Mix. Ft. One suppository. Sig. Insert one in the rectum at night; In the daytime use an injection of the Eclectic Wash, one teaspoonful to a cup of warm water three times a day.

In June, 1876, I had a man come to me for treatment. His case had been diagnosed as cancer of the rectum. He had the morning diarrhea with burning pains in the rectum after each stool. There was a cancerous ulcer just inside the anus. He was considerably emaciated and was anemic with no appetite. The pulse had a weak discouraged feeling. I gave him sulph. strychnine one-thirtieth grain before meals and at bedtime, with ferrum first decimal, three grains after each meal. I also prescribed nitric acid, fifteen drops of third decimal dilution, in half a glass of water, once in three hours. Locally I applied oil thuja 3i. to vaseline 3x. Mix and apply the salve to the ulcer three times a day. For the diarrhea he was given tincture nuphar lutea second decimal dilution five drops once in two hours. This plan of treatment was followed until the cancer was all healed and it has not troubled him since that time.

In 1881 I had a case of cancerous tumor in the rectum to treat. The tumor was about three inches above the anus and had a hard nodulated feeling to it. I injected the tumor with tincture thuja twenty drops every other day. Used a suppository of this formula:

Scutellarin, a. a. Grs. ii.
Ext. Hyoscyamus, Gr. i.
Cacao butter, q. s.

Mix. Ft. One suppository. Sig. Insert one suppository in the rectum at bedtime. I also gave him this pill:

Phytolaccin, Gr 1/4.
Sanguinarin, Gr 1/8.

Mix. Ft. One pill. Sig. One pill once in three hours. Sulph. strychnine one-thirtieth grain was given before meals and at bedtime. This treatment was continued until the tumor in the rectum had disappeared. I have not heard of any return of the disease.

In 1889 I had a case of cancerous ulceration of the lower part of the rectum to treat. I applied a ten per cent. solution of chromic acid twice a day and used the following suppository.

Iodoform, Grs. v.
Ext. Eucalyptus, Crs. ii.
Mix. Ft. One suppository. Sig. insert a suppository in the rectum at bedtime.

Internally I gave him “Comp. Syr. Phytolacca,” teaspoonful after each meal, and sulph. strychnine one-thirtieth grain before meals and at bedtime. For the diarrhea he was given this prescription:

Sulph. Quinine
Ext. Log Wood, a. a. Grs. xxv.
Sub nitrate Bismuth, Grs. xxv.
Gelsemin, Grs. v.

Mix. Ft. Pills No. 20. Sig. One pill once in three hours. This pill checked the diarrhea. The other remedies helped to increase his vitality and heal the ulcerated surface. In two months I felt that I had conquered the disease and he was finally cured.


Of the tumors that appear in the bladder, a large proportion of them are cancerous. Many cases are treated for hematuria; a sound is passed into the bladder and no stone is found. These tumors generally appear in adult life. If there is much hemorrhage and but little cachexia the inference would be that the tumor is non-malignant. If on the other hand, pain was an early symptom and the hemorrhage a secondary symptom with cachexia then we should expect to find a cancerous tumor. A burning pain with constant tenesmus and hemorrhage would be the symptoms of a cancerous tumor.

In one case I was called to in Connecticut, the patient had been to a New York hospital The surgeons operated on him for a villous tumor but what they really found was a cancerous tumor. The patient was sent home to die. When I saw him he lay back in a reclining chair with a catheter sticking out of his abdomen. He suffered greatly from the burning pain and tenesmus of the bladder.

Treatment: For the tenesmus, burning pain and hemorrhage we have one remedy that leads all others. It is terebinthina third decimal dilution, five drops once in two hours. When there is constant distress in the bladder as if it was distended by urine, with severe pain after the urine has been voided, extreme and frequent urging to urinate tincture equisetum hyemali is the remedy. Dose, fifteen drops once in two hours. To act upon the growth tincture thuja should be given, in the following proportions:

Tr. Thuja, 3iv.
Aqua, 3vi.
Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful once in three hours.

Alternate this with Fowler’s solution arsenic, three drops once in three hours. When there is much bloody pus, a ropy mucus, in the urine, chimaphila umbellata is the remedy. Dose, ten drops of the tincture once in three hours. As a germicide I give one of Burgess’ double sulphide tablets every hour for eight hours, then one after each meal and at bedtime. In desperate cases I have seen good results from Fl. Ext. Eucalyptus given in twenty drop doses once in three hours.


This disease is usually found in persons past the middle age. It has been stated by some writers that this form is secondary to cancer of the breast. Such has not been the case in my experience. Others seem to think it is nearly always a complication of cancer of the stomach. I have not found it so in my experience. During my professional practice I have met with a great many cases of cancer of the liver, but I do not recall any case secondary to cancer of the female breast. It may happen now and then as a complication in cancer of the stomach but the cases are few and far between.

Symptoms: The sallow appearance of the face will be noticeable in this disease, also marked emaciation, the weak hurried pulse of cancer, the pearly tint to the white of the eye, tongue coated a dirty yellow and underneath the coating the dark red color of advanced cancer are all indications of this disease. There will be an enlargement of the liver. It may reach below the false ribs, even to the brim of the pelvis. By pressing the fingers down upon the liver it is felt to be irregular and knobby to the hand. There is pain and fullness in the right hypochondrium, the pain is of a burning boring nature; the patient will tell you that the jolting of a carriage in riding hurts his side, that he experiences the same trouble in walking; He is constantly pressing his hand over the region of the liver to support it as he walks. I regard this as a pretty reliable symptom of this disease. There is gastric disturbance, symptoms of indigestion and vomiting.

Treatment: For the pain of this disease we may give tincture echinacea 3ss, Aqua 3vi. Mix. Sig. One teaspoonful every hour. When there is perpendicular enlargement of the liver, a dusky hue to the face, constipation, indigestion, strong urinal odor to the urine, Tr. chelidonium is the remedy. Dose, five drops three times a day. If the pulse shows a weak, discouraged feeling I like sulph. strychnine one-thirtieth grain before each meal and at bedtime. For the symptoms of indigestion chelone glabra first decimal, three tablets once in three hours will be found useful. As a curative remedy for this diseased condition we have one remedy which I have found the best, viz.: cholesterinum third decimal. Dose, six grains three times a day. It was used successfully by the noted physician, Dr. Ameke, of Berlin, and that distinguished physician of the homeopathic school — Dr. J. Compton Burnett, of London, England, whose success in curing cancer is a matter of record in medical history. The symptoms calling for this remedy are “a tawny skin, emaciation, yellow conjunctiva and enlargement of the liver.” When the disease seems to affect the left lobe of the liver, that portion that lies between the liver and the pancreas, iodoform third decimal is the remedy. The two remedies, iodoform third decimal and cholestrinum third decimal, may be alternated each once in four hours.

In February, 1891, a man came to consult me for a liver trouble. I made a thorough examination of the liver and found quite an enlargement of that organ. The surface of the liver felt nodulated. He complained of a burning pain in the region of the liver and was obliged to hold his hand over his right side when he walked. His face had the cancer cachexia, there was a weak rapid pulse, yellow conjunctiva, a dirty yellow tongue. My diagnosis was cancer of the liver. For the vomiting of sour fiuid I gave him nux vomica sixth decimal, three tablets once in three hours. To act upon the diseased organ I gave him cholestrinum third decimal, six grains three times a day. A second examination of his liver in a month’s time revealed the fact that the size of the organ had been much reduced. The treatment was continued until the liver had resumed its normal size and all his symptoms very much improved for the better. He soon after returned to his business and I am not aware that there has been any trouble with the liver since I treated him.

In June, 1896, a patient came under my treatment who had been the rounds of the doctors but none of them could give a clear diagnosis of his ease. He complained of a boring pain in the region of the liver. His face had a sallow look and he had a. very poor appetite. There were symptoms of indigestion, spitting up his food, much gas in the stomach, and vomiting of sour fluids quite often. I found his liver enlarged, perpendicularly, nearly to the right nipple. My diagnosis was cancer of the liver. I gave him tincture chelidonium, ten drops three times a day, tax vomica second decimal three tablets once in three hours. For the constipation ten tablets of Kali mur sixth decimal at bedtime. In a week his condition was improved; he had better digestion, no vomiting, bowels had begun to act more natural. In a month I examined the liver and found it not quite so much enlarged; from month to month it seemed to be growing smaller until it had regained its normal size.


This disease is more frequently met with women from 40 to 45 years of age. The old plan of so-called local treatment to the os uteri so much in vogue several years ago was a fruitful cause of cancer. In these latter days curretting as practised by many physicians has caused many cases of cancer. The use of instruments to deliver women at confinement is the cause of 60,000 of our American women being afflicted with cancer of the uterus. I have found many more cases in married women than in single ones. This disease usually attacks the cervix first, especially the portion that projects into the vagina. We have two forms of this disease, the scirrhus and cauliflower. It has been the practice of most of the profession to operate on cases of this kind, but from my own experience, I have learned this fact, that a surgical operation not only does not cure the disease but actually hastens the death of the patient. It has been my misfortune to meet with a great many cases where an operation had been performed, from one to three times and the disease returned worse than before.

I have probably seen more cases of cancer of the uterus than any other physician in this country, and I can honestly say that I have never seen a case of cancer of the uterus cured by a surgical operation. To operate on such cases is a crime for it offers no hope of a cure. Symptoms: When a woman at 40 or 45 years of age complains that she has more or less discharge of blood, tween the monthly periods with backache and pressing down in the lower part of the abdomen it will be best to make an examination for they are the warning symptoms of this disease. At first we find a tumor growing from the cervix, or there may be an enlargement of the cervix, either of which are hard, presenting a knotty, irregular surface. The os uteri will be more open than natural; its margins indented, puckered, hard and tense. There is a rigid feeling; it gives the impression of a body fixed in a certain position. This is one of the most important symptoms of this disease and is peculiar to it. If you look at the os uteri through a speculum it will be found enlarged, glossy, and distended of a dark red or brownish color. As the disease progresses the pelvic cavity becomes more and more occupied with the growth so that there will be scarcely any space for the finger and the uterus becomes absolutely immovable. When ulceration begins the ulcer is ragged, hard, irregular, elevated edges, its surface dark brown or grayish and the discharges a thin, bloody, watery fluid of a very offensive odor. One writer says that we “can’t detect this disease by the odor.” I know by experience that the odor from a cancer of the uterus, after it has ulcerated, is peculiar to itself, and is one of the strongest points in the diagnosis of the disease. Many times I have detected the odor as soon as I got into the patient’s room. There is no odor on earth like it, and when once a doctor smells it he will never forget it.

The sallow and unhealthy appearance of the face and a peculiar odor and partial emaciation may reveal this disease without further examination; but we have in addition occasional flooding, constant bad smelling discharges from the vagina, bearing-down feeling, a sense of weight in the lower part of the abdomen; sharp shooting pains through the side and uterus. There is oftentimes a pressure upon the rectum and bladder, so that the patient has a constant desire to evacuate these organs. There is also a stiff feeling felt in the lower part of the bowels; great pain in the back. The monthly periods, if they have not ceased, will be very irregular, often profuse.

The stiff feeling in the lower part of the abdomen is characteristic of the disease and a very important symptom in making your diagnosis. The pain of this disease is of a burning, lancinating, or cutting character, and is generally worse at night. This pain extends down the thighs and rectum; it is often complained of mostly in the back in advanced stages of the disease. In my experience the disease is more apt to follow down the vaginal canal than to work upwards toward the body of the uterus. In the last stage we find the vagina, itself, involved, and oftentimes the bladder and rectum, the urine and feces being discharged involuntarily-.


When the neck of the uterus only is involved I am of the opinion that it can be cured; if the disease has gone so far that the bladder or vaginal canal are involved, or it has extended up inside the body of the uterus, I should not have much hopes of a cure. Phytolacca does have a curative effect upon this disease and is one of the remedies that I have learned to depend upon. Helonias is a blood maker and is another remedy I use in this condition. In this disease there is a drain upon the red corpuscles of the blood, and a good preparation of iron is needed. The ammonia citrate of iron is a good form of the remedy to prescribe. I use it in the proportion of one ounce of the iron to one pint of port wine, giving teaspoonful doses after each meal. I combine the phytolacca and helonias as follows:

Tr. Phytolacca root
Tr. Helonias, a. a. 3i.
Mix. Sig. Ten drops once in three hours.

In this disease, when there is awful burning in the pelvis, like red hot coals, and discharge of foul smelling clots of blood, Kresotum is the remedy. Dose, three tablets of the sixth decimal after meals and at bedtime. When there are intense burning pains with discharge of foul smelling black blood, lapis albus is the remedy. Dose, five tablets of the sixth decimal once in two hours. When there is relief from the intense pain by a hemorrhage of dark decomposed blood, lachesis is the needed remedy, Give the sixth decimal, putting ten drops in half a glass of water; teaspoonful every hour. Locally to the diseased os uteri I apply the following prescription:

Saturated Solution Chloride Zine
Solution Carbolic Acid 25%, a. a 3ii

Insert the speculum, clean the sore with absorbent cotton, and then apply the mixture to every part of the diseased surface. This should be done once a day for six days. Then apply a poultice of pulverized slippery elm. Tie it up in a little bag made from mosquito netting so it will be about as large as an ordinary hen’s egg. Push this up into the vagina against the os uteri. Change the poultice every twelve hours and continue it until all the diseased mass has sloughed off. If the sore looks like a clean healthy sore you can heal it as you would any sore, but if it still shows some of the disease and there remains some of the induration of the os uteri it will be necessary for you to apply your solution for another six days as directed above. The more thorough you are in the application of the zinc and acid mixture the more certain you will be of making a cure. To heal the sore injections of boro glycerine are good. Use them three times a day. To finish the treatment I usually employ Micajah’s Uterine Waters. Insert one high up in the vagina every other night.

In October, 1888, a lady from New York State came under my treatment for scirrhus cancer of the uterus. She had a sallow countenance, bowels constipated. There was a burning throbbing pain in the lower part of the abdomen. A vaginal examination revealed a scirrhus ulceration of the neck of the uterus. It had a nodulated feeling with a marked rigidity of the whole organ. For the burning throbbing pain I gave her sepia sixth decimal, three tablets once in three hours, in alternation with the following prescription:

Tr. Phytolacca
Tr. Helonias, a. a. 3i.
Mix. Sig. Ten drops once in three hours.

Locally I applied this solution:

Saturated Solution Chloride Zinc
Solution Carbolic Acid 25%, a. a. 3i.

Mix. Sig. Apply through a speculum to all of the diseased surface once a day for six days; then poultice it with a poultice of pulverized slippery elm and warm water. Place the poultice in a bag of mosquito netting about as big as an ordinary hen’s egg, push up into the vagina against the os uteri once in six hours. In six days all of the diseased mass had sloughed off, after which I used an injection of Boro Glycerine three times a day for ten days. After this I used Micajah’s Uterine waters one every other night until the neck of the uterus had lost its indurated feeling and the sore had all healed. Several years afterward I heard from this lady and there had been no return of the disease.

In May, 1891, a lady came under my treatment for cancer of the uterus. She was from Pennsylvania and was 56 years of age. Upon making an examination I found a scirrhus ulceration of the neck of the uterus which had not invaded the body of that organ. Locally I applied the same treatment as given in the former case. Internally I gave “Comp. Syr. Phytolacca”, teaspoonful after each meal and sulph. strychnine one-thirtieth grain before each meal and at bedtime. Twelve years after I treated her I received a letter from her husband that she was well and never had had any return of the trouble.

In February, 1906, I received a letter from Dr. Eugene Carmichael, then located in a small village in Iowa. He asked my advice about a case of cancer of the uterus that he was very anxious to cure. I advised him concerning the treatment. He followed out my plan of treatment and cured his patient. Soon after this he located in the county seat of that county. The fame of the cure followed him and helped him to build up a large practice. February, 1910, four years later, he wrote me a letter in which he says “the case of uterine carcinoma diagnosed microscopically is still living and perfectly well and I did that work four years ago without resort to the knife or chloroform thanks to your advice.” Dr. Carmichael is a student of mine and has made some fine cures in that state.

In November, 1909, I received a letter from a physician in North Carolina. He informed me that at a consultation of physicians they had decided that his wife had cancer of the uterus and an operation had been advised. He said that one of the doctors present had advised him to write me a statement of the case and get my opinion as to what could be done for his wife. I wrote him that it was a case of cancer of the uterus and told him what treatment to use to cure her. He went to work and carried out the plan of treatment that I recommended. From time to time I received letters from him telling of her improved condition. In December, 1910, a year after I first heard from him, I wrote and asked “how his wife was?” In his letter of December 15, 1910, he writes, “How is my wife? Well you just ought to see her! Her health is better than it has been for years; she has gained seventy-five pounds, goes where she pleases and does much of her own housework.” If the disease had been allowed to run its course she would have been dead before the time the above letter was written. I thank God that I was the means of helping the doctor to save his wife’s life. When I can help a doctor to cure a patient I feel just as happy as if it was my own patient. We are here in this world to help each other, and it is one of the things that sweetens our life when we can hold out a helping hand to a brother physician. “No man liveth to himself.”

“We shall not pass this way again,
Oh, heed the passing hours,
And let each day a record make –
Of something pure and noble.
A smiling face, a cheering word
Makes others round us happy,
And lightens up the ragged way
That leads us on to glory.”


This form of cancer of the uterus is not so common as the scirrhus variety. I am of the opinion that it is a form of epithelial cancer. It is met with in females about middle age either married or unmarried. Symptoms: The first thing that calls the attentian of the patient to this diseased condition is a constant and odorless watery discharge which gradually increases in quantity and becomes tinged with blood and is very profuse. The discharge may become so great as to wet several napkins a day. After a time there may be alarming hemorrhages as a result of sexual intercourse, evacuation of the bowels or even from the contact of the finger during a vaginal examination. If there is any pain at all it will be only a very slight pain during the progress of the disease. If a speculum is introduced the tumor will be found of a pale flesh color or bright red; its surface presenting small granulations which are very vascular and bleed very readily. Either lip or the whole margin of the os uteri may be involved in the disease. We can differentiate this disease from a polypus or fibroid tumor by the absence of a pedicle, its softness and granulated surface. To the finger it feels like a placenta. In polypus or a fibroid tumor the growth is harder, more smooth and does not bleed when handled. We diagnose it from scirrhus cancer because it is movable, whereas in scirrhus cancer the growth is immovable and gives a feeling of stiffness to the finger as if it was fixed and rigid. In making an examination of such cases, most doctors think they must introduce a speculum.

Many times in my practice I have seen positive harm from the insertion of such instruments made just to gratify the doctor’s curiosity. If a doctor has ever had any experience with the practical treatment of cancer of the uterus he will learn how to diagnose this disease by the sense of touch. He should have his eyes at his fingers’ ends. That is one of the things God gave us our fingers for. In most cases, even after the speculum has been inserted and he has examined it with the eye, he fails to make a diagnosis of the case, but guesses it may be this or it may be that. In other cases he cuts off a piece of the growth to send to some pathologist for him to examine under the microscope. In this way he pays out his good money to some one to tell him what the growth is instead of using the fingers God gave him to use. After all this ceremony has been gone through with the only thing that he can do is to offer a gloomy prognosis or urge an operation.

I have never in all my professional life been obliged to consult a pathologist, or any one else, to tell me the diagnosis of any form of cancer. Experience and a little ordinary common sense has helped me when others seemed to be in doubt about the diagnosis of a case. Treatment: Locally I first apply solution peroxide hydrogen to cleanse the diseased growth. Then into the growth I inject tincture thuja, twenty drops every other day and apply tampons of tincture thuja full strength directly to the diseased mass, changing them every twelve hours. The effect of the thuja is to shrink the growth and in many cases it sloughs away en masse. Internally I give tincture Thuja ten drops once in three hours. Most patients have lost considerable blood and are emaciated and anemic, so I give ferrum first decimal three tablets once in four hours in alternation with the thuja. If the growth is soft and spongy, bleeds easily when touched, oozing of dark blood from the os, ustilago first decimal is the remedy. Dose, three tablets once in three hours.


Scirrhus cancer is the most common form of the disease and it is apt to occur at middle age. The head is first affected and pressure upon the bile duct may cause Jaundice.

Symptoms: Sometimes a deep tumor may be felt in the pyloric region when the head is largely involved. There will be symptoms of indigestion — vomiting and diarrhea. A neuralgic pain of a paroxysmal character is felt in the pyloric belt with fatty greasy stools. There is progressive emaciation, with gradual loss of strength and the cancer cachexia. Jaundice is sometimes present. Ascites may develop when the portal vein is compressed.

Treatment: For the symptoms of indigestion give nux vomica second decimal three tablets once in three hours. Burgess’ double sulphide tablets one after each meal and at bedtime. For the pain tincture Colocynth should be given. Add ten drops to six ounces of water and give a teaspoonful once in two hours. To act upon the diseased growth we have one remedy that is especially indicated; it is iodine. Give tincture iodine sixth decimal dilution, ten drops in a little water once in two hours.


In some of the text-books we find different forms of the fibroids. They are given names from their location. All this is confusing to the reader and of no practical value. After going into long details about the technical part of the diseased condition they cannot offer any better treatment than an operation. I have seen a great many cases of fibroid tumors of the uterus and I know, by experience and observation, that these tumors always return after an operation. Many patients have died on the operating table, after or during the operation. To promise a cure from a surgical operation, as many doctors do — for such cases, is the worst form of criminal deception. These tumors usually occur in women between thirty and forty-live years of age. They may be attached to the cervix, within the cervical canal or within the uterine cavity. They vary in size from a pea to a diameter of seven or eight inches. If small, they will hardly be noticed but when large they may alter the shape of the uterus to such an extent as to interfere with the functions of the surrounding viscera.

Symptoms: When the tumor is found in the anterior wall beneath the peritoneum, the uterus is thrown backward against the rectum and we have all the symptoms of retroversion of the uterus; if in the posterior wall we have anteversion with the symptoms of vesical irritation due to pressure on the bladder. This pressure on the bladder forms a mechanical obstruction to the flow of urine and the patient wwill tell you that they cannot pass their urine without considerable ditficulty. If the pressure of the tumor is upon the rectum then we will have obstinate constipation as a symptom of the diseased condition. When the tumor becomes pretty well developed there is always a sense of weight, of bearing down, and aching in the loins and small of the back. When there is pressure upon the pelvic nerves there may be cramps of the thighs or legs and occasionally partial paralysis. If the tumor is situated in the internal cavity of the uterus, especially if it projects into the cavity it may produce hemorrhage. These hemorrhages are sometimes very alarming and are always to be guarded against, in fibroid tumors of the uterus. The woman is apt to be irregular in her menstruations; the menses may appear every two or three weeks or once in three or four months. I have been able in some cases to feel the outline of the tumor by introducing a finger into the vagina and elevating the uterus upon it while with the other hand I could feel the form of the tumor. When sudden hemorrhage occurs as a symptom of a fibriod tumor, we may distinguish it from abortion by its being more profuse and not attended with pain, or if pain is present it is of a dull, throbbing, burning nature. In anteversion or retroflexion the os uteri is generally open and hemorrhage is not present. In scirrhus cancer the pain is of a lancinating character, there is tenderness of the cervix and an offensive discharge, the os uteri is open and the lips feel hard, thick, irregular and nodulated. Polypus of the uterus has a profuse leucorrhea, also — from profuse hemorrhages — anemia and great debility. In ovarian tumors frequent micturition and retention of urine seldom occur. The ovarian tumor conveys a sense of fluctuating. The fibroid is harder, more movable, more apt to have an uneven surface. Fibroid tumors are more liable to remain in their original situation in the pelvic cavity carrying the uterus forward as it enlarges, while the ovarian tumor rises out of the cavity. Indigestion is always present in well developed fibroid tumors of the uterus and is peculiar to that condition.

Treatment: I was the first physician in this country to make a business of treating fibroid tumors of the uterus by medicinal means. In testing remedies to find out which ones did have a curative effett upon this diseased condition I found that the Phytolacca proved to be one of the best absorbents that we have in any materia medica. In this disease indigestion is always present and an annoying complication, so I added Hydrastis to my list of remedies. For the hemorrhages I used Aqua Cinnamon. The following prescription seemed just the thing needed:

Fl. Ext. Phytolacca, 3ii.
Fl. Ext. Hydrastis, 3i.
Bi-carb. Sodae, 3i.
Aqua Cinnamon, q. s. Oi.
Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful three times a day before meals.

Lime seemed to check the growth of the tumor and my idea was that if the system was saturated with the lime that it would change the condition of the blood and thus stop the growth of the tumor. I treated several cases successfully with this treatment. My students have also had good success with it. After years of experience I found that some patients could not bear cinnamon in the above prescription on their stomach. To some people it is disagreeable and it will cause nausea so I was forced to leave it out of the prescription. In giving lime I gave the Comp. Syr. Hypophosphites, two teaspoonfuls after each meal Experience taught me that the patient was getting more lime than was needed, or the system could assimilate. Instead of the Comp. Syr. Hypophosphites, I have used, for some time, the Iodide of Lime, giving one-third grain once in three hours for a week; then two-thirds grain once in three hours. This is claimed by some doctors to cure all cases of fibroid tumors, but it will not. There is no such thing as a “specific” for any disease on earth. The word specific comes to us from the regular school; it is a misnomer; it has no real meaning. For the constipation I use the following pill:

Aloin, Grs. v.
Ext. Belladonna, Grs. v.
Podophillin, Grs. iiss.
Ferri sulp., Grs. xi.
Mix. Ft. Pills No. 40. Sig. One pill at bedtime.

For the difficulty in micturition when there seems to be an obstruction to the flow of urine I have found tincture solidago virga aurea the best remedy, and the first decimal dilution is more kindly received by the stomach than the tincture so I give the first decimal, ten drops once in tour hours. For the indigestion nux vomica second decimal, three tablets once in three hours is a good remedy. Some of my students have found electricity a valuable aid to the treatment of this form of internal growth. If a doctor understands how to use electricity intelligently no .doubt he could cure his patients quicker by using it in connection with the above described medical treatment. Ustilago maidis is another remedy that does have a curative effect upon fibroid tumors. Because it did not cure all cases of fibroid tumors of the uterus it was laid aside by the regular school physicians, for they can never seem to comprehend such a thing as an indication for a remedy. When they give a certain drug for a diseased condition they give it because some doctor has said it is “good for” something of that kind. A physician should never give a remedy for any diseased condition unless it is dearly indicated. “DEFINITE MEDICATION” does away with all guesswork and uncertainty. It gives you the definite indications for each remedy. It tells the doctor definitely just what to do for each diseased condition. In my own experience I find that ustilago maidis is indicated in the first stages of a fibroid tumor and when hemorrhage is a prominent symptom, and when the blood is dark colored with many clots, os soft and spongy, and dilated with an oozing discharge of blood. I use Fl. Ext. Ustilago Maidis (Parke Davis & Co.) in ten drop doses three times a day. It seemed to check the hemorrhage and cause a contraction in the size of the tumor. The use of Ergot in a well developed fibroid tumor, hyperdermically, will often hasten the cure.

The best preparation of ergot is the Normal Liquid Ergot (made by Parke Davis & Co.). To give this remedy grasp the tissue of the abdominal wall over the growth between the thumb and finger of the lett hand. The needle of the hyperdermic syringe should be introduced perpendicularly passing the needle down into the main body of the tumor and inject twenty drops at night, once in forty-eight hours. This form of ergot does not cause any irritation or inflammation. The Fl. Ext. ergot sometimes forms abscesses at the point of introducing the needle. From one month to another a change will be noticed in the size of the tumor and the best time to take the measurement is in the morning before the patient leaves her bed. Pass a tape measure round the abdomen over the navel (with her legs drawn up toward the body). This will give you the size of the tumor at the beginning of the treatment. Then take a measurement of the abdomen in the same way and at the same time a month later. You can then tell how much smaller the tumor has grown.

From 1879 to 1883 I tested Iris Versicolar in fibroid tumors of the uterus. Dr. Richard Kunze, of New York City, had made a saturated tincture of iris versicolar by taking the green roots in June, when the plant is in flower, mashing them up and adding eight ounces of the green root to a pint of 80 per cent. alcohol and letting it stand for fourteen days, then filter. Of this tincture I gave twenty-five drops three times a day, after meals. I am satisfied that it acted as an absorbent and did have a curative effect upon the fibroid of the uterus, having a tendency to aid in decreasing its size. It was the best tincture iris versicolar that I have ever used. It also proved valuable in enlargement of the spleen and in chronic articular rheumatism.

In a fibroid tumor, after it has become quite large, there will be pain in the side of the abdomen where the tumor is located, and this pain will be very annoying to the patient. I have found one remedy that can be depended upon for this condition. It is Fl. Ext. Jamaica dogwood. Dose, thirty. drops once in four or eight hours, depending upon how severe the pain is. I have found that tampons wet with equal parts of Ichthyol and Glycerine placed in the vagina against the os uteri is a good local treatment for these conditions. I have had patients come to me who had been treated by a specialist who depended on electricity alone to cure fibroid tumors and the treatment had failed to reduce the size of the growth. Elsewhere I have advised electricity as an auxiliary to the medical treatment but I would not depend upon it alone to cure these tumors. I have met with cases of fibroid tumors which had been diagnosed as pregnancy; also several cases where the surgeon had diagnosed the case as a fibroid tumor of the uterus and upon operating found it to be cancer of the uterus. Such ignorant blunders arenot made among the rank and file of the profession but among the so-called leaders of the profession. The kind of men that are always talking about raising the standard of medical education; men that are howling for stronger medical laws to protect them from the men who would cure their patients. The ECLECTIC SCHOOL OF MEDICINE have never asked for any medical laws to protect them; they are not afraid of competition with anybody.

In March, 1889, a lady from New Jersey came under my treatment for a fibroid tumor of the uterus. She was about as large around the abdomen as a woman seven months pregnant. Her age was 44. She had been examined by three specialists in New York City and their diagnosis was fibroid tumor of the uterus. They had urged her to undergo an operation but she was opposed to that plan of treatment. I prescribed for her as follows: Comp. Syr. Hypophosphites, two teaspoonfuls after each meal and a teaspoonful before each meal of this formula:

Fl. Ext. Phytolacca, 3ii.
Fl. Ext. Hydrastis, 3i.
Sodae bi-carb., 3i.
Aqua cinnamon, q. s. ad. Oi.
Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful before each meal.

This treatment was continued six months until the tumor had entirely disappeared.

A lady from the same city in New Jersey came under my treatment in June, 1890. She noticed an enlargement of the abdomen the previous November and went to New York City to consult a prominent surgeon who diagnosed the case as a fibroid tumor of the uterus and urged an immediate operation. When this lady came to me and I had examined her and told her that I could cure her she said, “I have no faith at all in any medicine to cure such cases as mine, but if you want to treat my case I will take your medicine according to your directions.” I gave her the same treatment as I have described in the previous case for nine months. Then she was discharged cured. The after history of these two cases just related is this. The first patient has never had any return of the tumor. The second patient had no return of the tumor up to the time of her death which occurred fifteen years after I treated her.

In February, 1891, a lady from Pennsylvania came to me for examination and treatment. An examination developed the diagnosis of a fibroid tumor attached to the os uteri. I gave her tincture fraxinus ten drops three times a day, and iodide of lime one-third grain once in three hours for a week, after which she took two-thirds grain once in three hours; For the pressure on the bladder, that caused obstruction to the flow of the urine I gave her tincture solidago virg. aurea first decimal, five drops once in three hours, until it relieved that difficulty. This treatment was continued three months until the tumor was all gone. It has never troubled her since I treated her.

In April, 1893, a lady came to me from New York State to be treated for a fibroid tumor of the uterus. It had been diagnosed as such by her family physician. The appearance of her abdomen was as large as a woman eight months pregnant. I gave her Comp. Syr. Hypophosphites, two teaspoonfuls after each meal and a teaspoonful of the following prescription before each meal:

Fl. Ext. Phytolacca,
Fl. Ext. Hydrastis, a. a. 3i.
Simple Syrup, q. s. ad. Oi.

Mix. Sig. One teaspoonful before each meal. For the constipation, I gave a pill made from this formula:

Podophyllin, Grs. v.
Leptandrin, Grs. xx.
Hydrastin, Grs. xxx.
Ext. Nux Vomica, Grs; v.
Mix. Ft. Pills No. 20. Sig. One pill at bedtime.

The above treatment was continued for a year when all the tumor had disappeared and there has not been any trouble since then.

In December, 1904, a lady aged 53 years, from New Jersey, came under my treatment. She had been examined by a prominent surgeon of this State, who diagnosed her case as a fibroid tumor of the uterus and prolapsus of the bladder. Upon making an examination I found the fibroid tumor there and also a polypus attached to the os uteri. She would not consent to an operation because a friend of hers had died on the operating table after an operation. The tumor was quite large; it pressed down upon the bladder and obstructed the flow of urine. For this condition I gave her tincture solidago virg. aurea first decimal, five drops once in three hours until she was better of that difficulty when it was discontinued. I also gave her aurum mur. nat. (double chloride gold and sodium) third decimal, three grains one hour after each meal. This remedy reduced the size of the tumor very much and improved her appetite and general health, but her stomach seemed to tire of it after a while so I gave instead calcarea flouride sixth decimal, three tablets four times a day. For the constipation she received kali mur. sixth decimal, ten tablets in a glass of water at bedtime. For the polypus I applied ichthyol and glycerine equal parts on a tampon placed against the os uteri and changed once in twelve hours. March 7th I examined her and found the polypus gone. Each month I made a vaginal examination and found that the tumor was gradually growing smaller. The last two or three months she took iodide of lime one-third grain once in three hours and tincture fraxinus ten drops once in three hours, in alternation. She was under my treatment for seven months when I discharged her cured and there has been no return of the tumor.

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