Chapter 18: Remedies that are Useful in the Treatment of Cancer

Acetic Acid. This remedy is used in cancer of the stomach; it is the one remedy known that will dissolve the cancer cells in this disease.

Apis. Mel. This remedy is useful in cancer of the breast where there are sharp stinging pains in the tumor, skin dark purple, discharge light yellow color. In such cases give the third decimal dilution. Add twenty drops to half a glass of water and have the patient take a teaspoonful of this mixture every hour.

Apocynum Cannabinum. This drug is indicated in adenoid growths in the breasts; it acts as a solvent. Use as follows: add two drachms of Specific Medicine Apocynum to one ounce of Lanolin. Mix and apply to the breast involved, well rubbed in, three times a day.

Arnica Montana. The female breast is often injured by a blow or fall, from which they feel sore, lame and bruised. Glycerole of arnica is the best local remedy for such conditions prepared from the following formula:

Tinct. Arnica, 3i.
Glycerine, xiii.

Mix. Sig. Rub well into the breasts three times a day. Internally you should give ten drops of the third decimal dilution once in three hours. Arnica is one of the ingredients of the “Absorbent Ointment”; equal parts Cerate arnica, belladonna and phytolacca.

Arsenic. It has been used for many years by the regular school, also the homeopathic as a remedy for cancer. Dr. Marsden used a paste of arsenic and mucilage gum acacia as a local application for the destruction of the local growth. Many of the so-called “Cancer Doctors” have simply copied his formula and with it claim to cure all forms of cancer. This is the very worst form of Quackery. I have never used arsenic locally in the treatment of cancer; it is too painful and too dangerous. We have many better local agents than that.

Arsenic Iodide. The third decimal trituration of this drug is used in epithelioma of the lip. It has been used in painful cancers of the breast (scirrhus) after they begin to ulcerate.

Arsenic Kali. We use this form of arsenic in the third decimal trituration in cauliflower excrescences of the os uteri, with flying pains, foul smelling discharges and pressure below the pubis.

Asterias Rubens. This agent is indicated in cancer of the breast in meshy people; the breasts feel drawn and there are acute lancinating pains. The breasts are swollen and distended before the monthly period with a red face. A very red spot appears on the breast, which ulcerates and discharges with a fou1 odor. In such cases you should prescribe the third decimal dilution of tincture asterias, five drops once in three hours.

Aurum Muriaticum Natronatum (Double Chloride Gold and Sodium). This is a valuable remedy in fibroid tumors of the uterus, especially when there is discharge of yellow mucus from the vagina, decreased excretion of urine, more or less induration of the os uteri, loss of appetite, melancholy, and stitching or burning pains in the abdomen. In such cases use this agent in the third decimal trituration, giving doses of three grains one hour after each meal.

Aurum. This agent is indicated in cancer of the nasal bones or nose, with greenish pus discharges. Prescribe the sixth decimal trituration, three tablets four times a day.

Baptisia Tinctora. This is a useful remedy in cancer when the disease is in the last stage with great prostration, exhalations and discharges fetid, — breath, feces and urine, — tongue a dirty yellow color, dry and cracked. In such conditions you should prescribe tincture baptisia five drops once in two hours.

Baryta Iodide. I have found this remedy reliable in hard cancerous tumors of the breast of long standing. It is also a good remedy for ovarian tumors, with a scrofulous taint in the system. You should prescribe the third decimal trituration in doses of three tablets every three hours.

Belladonna. This drug is indicated in tumors of the breast when the pain is worse when lying down. Prescribe in such cases five drops of the first decimal dilution of tincture belladonna once in three hours.

Bellis Perennis. This remedy is indicated in tumors of the breast of recent origin, following an injury to the breast. Give ten drops of tincture Bellis three times a day.

Bismuth. This remedy is valuable in cancer of the stomach when there is vomiting of enormous quantities of food that seems to have laid in the stomach for days. There is burning and pain in the stomach. Prescribe for these patients the second decimal trituration of bismuth, three tablets once in two hours.

Bromine. When the lymphatic glands under the lower jaw are of a stony hardness this is the remedy indicated. Give bromine sixth decimal dilution five drops once in three hours.

Bryonia Alba. This agent is indicated when the breasts are heavy and hard; must be supported. Any motion of the body increases the pain. This is a good remedy to alternate with phytolacca in such cases to be given as follows: Tincture bryonia gtts., v. Aqua ounces vi. Mix. Sig. One teaspoonful once an hour. I am satisfied from an experience of many years with lime that it does have a curative effect upon cancer. I regard it as one of our most valuable remedies for this disease.

Calcarea Carb. This preparation is indicated in cancer when we have the peculiar temperament calling for the remedy indicated by a tendency to boils, takes cold easily, cold feet, perspiration of the feet and head; in all discharges the pus is copious, putrid and white like milk. With these indications you should prescribe the third decimal trituration of Calcarea carb., three tablets once in three hours.

Calcarea Flouride. When there are nodular, hard, knotty lumps in the breast this remedy is needed. Prescribe sixth decimal trituration calcarea flouride, three tablets once in three hours.

Calcarea Iodide. This form of lime is useful in cancer of the breast, when the growth is tender, with sharp darting pains; using the ann on the affected side increases the pain, In such cases give the first decimal trituration of calcarea iodide, three tablets once in three hours. It is also a good remedy in fibroid tumors of the uterus, given in doses of one-third grain once in three hours.

Carbolic Acid. This acid in a 25% or 50% solution has been a great help to me in the local treatment of scirrhus cancer of the uterus.

Carbo Vegetablis. This remedy is indicated in cancer of the stomach when there is excessive flatulence in that organ. The stomach feels full and tense from the large accumulation of gas which produces great pain that is rendered more intense by lying down. In such instances give carbo veg. third decimal trituration, three tablets once in two hours.

Causticum. This is the remedy needed in cancer of the stomach when the flesh is very tender over that organ; the patient cannot bear even the clothing to touch it. The lightest food, or the lightest pressure over the stomach causes violent lancinating pain in that viscus. In such case, give causticum second decimal dilution five drops once in two hours.

Celastrus Scandens. This is one of the principal ingredients of “The Scrofulous Syrup” used by the fathers of the Eclectic School of Medicine in the treatment of cancer. The formula is as follows:

Reumex Crispus, lbs. iv.
Celastrus Scandens, lbs. ii.
Scrofularia, May, lbs. 1 1/2.
Aralia spinosa, a. a. 1b. 1/2.
Sanguinaria, lb. 1/4.

Mix. Ft. Three gallons of syrup. Dose, one teaspoonful three times a day. A very good discutient ointment may be made by adding one pound of the green leaves of the celastrus to two pounds of lard and one ounce of beeswax. Simmer over a hot fire for a few moments. This will be found to be a good application for tumors of the breasts. Rub the ointment well into the growth in the breast night and morning.

Chimaphila Umbellata. I have found this remedy valuable in women with very large breasts and a tumor in the mammary. gland that has spread out in the gland, the nipple is drawn in and there are sharp pains in the tumor. In such instances you should give ten drops of tincture chimaphila three times a day, gradually increasing the dose until you are giving twenty drops at each dose.

Cholesterinum. This remedy should be remembered in cancer of the liver, when that organ is much enlarged, patient cachectic, skin tawny, conjunctiva yellow, patient holds the hand over the liver because it hurts him to walk When you meet such a case prescribe the third decimal trituration cholesterinum six grains every four hours.

Colocynth. This drug is indicated in those sharp, lancinating pains that shoot down through the bowels in cancer at the pyloric orifice of the stomach. Give colocynth as indicated in the following prescription:

Tinct. Colocynth, gtts. v.
Aqua, 3iv.
Mix. Sig. One teaspoonful once in two hours.

Condurango. This remedy is indicated when in cancer of the breast there are sores at the angle of the mouth, and indigestion that causes cramping pains in the stomach. Give tincture condurango, five drops once in three hours.

Conium Maculatum. In tumors of the breast that are of stony hardness, which swell up more at the menstrual period, with burning, stinging pains in the growth this remedy is indicated. Prescribe the second decimal dilution tincture conium mac. five drops once in two hours.

Corydalis Formosa. When in a case of cancer, where the disease is well advanced, lymphatic glands swollen, dry scaly scabs on the face — as seen in old people, showing the system is full of the germs of cancer, this remedy is the one needed. Give tincture corydalis, ten drops four times a day.

Echinacea. I have found this to be a good remedy to relieve the severe pain of cancer in the last stages of the disease. Use the following prescription:

Tinct. Echinacea, ass.
Aqua, 3vi.
Mix. Sig. One teaspoonful every hour.

From testing this remedy in a good many cases I am satisfied that it does not check the growth of the disease.

Eucalyptus Globulus. In malignant disease of the stomach with vomiting of blood and sour fluid I have seen good results from this remedy. Give tincture eucalyptus twenty drops night and morning. When you have an ulcerated cancer of the breast and the odor is sickening to the patient you should use a cerate of eucalyptus and iodoform prepared by Boericke & Tafel, Philadelphia, Pa, Spread it on soft white cloth and apply over the diseased surface three times a day. It will stop the smell and later on the sore will have a more healthy appearance.

Ferrum. I have found some patients that have been taking lots of sarsaparilla Comp., or some other form of an alterative far a long time until the blood showed the need of some form of iron. My experience teaches me that the best form in these cases is the picrate of iron. Give the third decimal trituration of Ferrum picrate, three tablets after each meal and at bedtime.

Galium Aparine. This drug is indicated in cancer of the tongue when there seems to be a lump imbedded in the substance of the tongue, or when there is a nodular feeling to the tongue. The lump is tender to the touch and very painful, especially at night. Give tincture galium twenty drops once in three hours.

Geranium Maculatum. This is a useful remedy in hemorrhage from the stomach when this organ is affected with cancer. Give tincture geranium mac. one drachm every hour until the hemorrhage is checked.

Graphites. This remedy is indicated in lupus on the nose when there is obstruction of the nares, cracked skin, every injury tends to ulceration. When you meet such conditions give graphites third decimal trituration, three tablets once in three hours.

Tr. Guarana. This remedy is useful in lupus when it is of an ocher red color, with yellow spots on the temples. Dose, twenty drops in half a glass of water. Teaspoonful once in two hours.

Hecla Lava. This remedy is useful in hard, bony tumors of the jaw. It should be prescribed in the sixth decimal trituration, giving three tablets four times a day.

Hispidula Gaultheria. This is one of the remedies for cancer which was handed down to us by the fathers of the Eclectic School of Medicine. In cancerous cachexia it is capable of eradicating the diathesis when it exists; even where scirrhus tumors have been found it has dispersed them. A decoction may be made by adding one ounce of the herb to one pint of boiling water. This should be given in doses of a wine glass half-full three times a day. A saturated tincture can be made by adding one pound of the fresh herb to one pint of 80% alcohol. Let it stand a week and then filter. Use this as follows:

Saturated. Tinct. Hispidula, 3i.
Aqua, 3v.
Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful four times a day.

Hydrastis Canadensis. When the tongue is broad, indented and with a very light coating it is an indication for this remedy. In cancer of the breast when there is an atonic dyspepsia, constipation, flatulence, distress in the bowels this drug is indicated. In cancerous tumors of the breast before they ulcerate, when pain is the principal symptom complained of, hydrastis is the remedy. Give hydrastis first decimal dilution, ten drops once in two hours. In cancer of the stomach, Lloyd’s Fluid Hydrastis (without alcohol) will be better received by the stomach than any other preparation of this remedy. Prescribe it in doses of twenty drops once in four hours. Hydrastis was often recommended by the early Eclectic physicians as a cure for cancer but not one of them could give a clear cut indication for the remedy in cancer. It remained for the Homeopathic School of Medicine to define the clear cut indications for the use of this drug in the treatment of cancer. This shows the folly of depending upon any one work of Materia Medica for information concerning the actual worth of any single remedy and what it can accomplish.

Hydrocotyle Asiatica. This drug is needed in lupus when there is no ulceration; it spreads over the nose, the skin is thick and there is exfoliation of scales and profuse perspiration. Prescribe this remedy for these indications, giving five drops of the first decimal dilution once in three hours. Add one part of the tincture to three parts of glycerine and paint over the diseased surface three times a day.

Iodine. In cancer of the stomach when patients have a ravenous hunger but are losing flesh all the time — the hunger is relieved by eating. There is an aggravation of all the symptoms in a warm room. In such cases you should prescribe tincture iodine. Give ten drops of the sixth decimal dilution in a little water once in two hours.

Kali Bichromate. This is the remedy indicated in ulcers that are painful to the touch; worse in cold weather; ulceration of the septum, loss of appetite, all the secretions are tenacious and stringy. With these indications give bichromate of potash third decimal trituration three grains once in three hours.

Kali Cyanatum. In the last stage of cancer of the tongue when the pain is very severe and very little nourishment can be taken, we can give the patient some relief by this remedy. Prescribe kali cyanatum third decimal trituration, one grain three times a day.

Kali Mur (Chloride of Potash). In cancerous tumors of the breast that are of a recent origin, tender to the touch, and quite soft, with white coating on the tongue this remedy is indicated. Give kali mur. third decimal trituration, three tablets once in three hours.

Kali Phos. I have found this remedy a good one when a cancer has been removed and is in the healing process. The skin is drawn tight as the head of a drum across the seat of the original cancer. Give Kali phos. third decimal trituration — three tablets once in three hours — in such cases and you will be pleased at the results. This remedy may also be given in alternation with Silicea sixth decimal three tablets once in three hours.

Kali Sulph. This remedy is indicated in skin cancer upon the face, with discharge of thin yellow serous watery secretion. Give doses of three tablets once in three hours of the third decimal trituration. Also use the following ointment:

B Kali sulph. 1st X., 3i.
Vaseline, 3i.
Mix. Sig. Apply to the sore three times a day.

Kresotum. This is the remedy needed in cancer of the uterus when there is an awful burning in the pelvis, like red hot coals, a discharge of foul smelling blood. When there is a burning pain in the stomach after eating and a sense of fullness and nausea with vomiting of sour, dark-colored fiuid as in cancer of the stomach this remedy should be given. Prescribe kresotum sixth decimal trituration, three tablets after each meal and at bedtime.

Lachesis. In cancer of the ovary when there is induration and pain extending from the left to the right ovary, pains increasing more and more until relieved by flow of blood from the vagina; this condition will happen again and again. Here lachesis is the needed remedy. Give the sixth decimal dilution. Add ten drops to a half glass of water and give in teaspoonful doses every hour.

Lapis Albus. This remedy is indicated in malignant disease of the uterus when the discharges from that organ are black and horribly offensive, with intense burning pains all through the diseased parts. For such a condition you should prescribe lapis albus, the sixth decimal trituration, three times a day. This remedy is also indicated in enlargement of the lymphatic glands when they have a soft doughy feeling and are movable. Give the same sized doses as indicated above.

Murex Purpura. This is the remedy called for in cancer of the uterus with great depression of mind and pain in the uterus as if wounded by a cutting instrument; lancinating, throbbing pains in the uterus, acrid discharge that irritates the pudenda and thighs causing them to swell, faintness and an “all gone” feeling in the stomach. The above symptoms indicate murex. Prescribe the sixth decimal dilution, ten drops three times a day.

Nitric Acid. This is a useful remedy in pain and swelling of the sub-maxillary glands, with induration of a scirrhus nature. Prescribe the third decimal dilution, placing fifteen drops in half a glass of water, and giving the patient a teaspoonful once in two hours.

Nympha Odorata. This remedy has cured some cases of cancer of the uterus. A very fine formula for its use in this disease is the following:

Phytolacca root,
Nymphaea odorata root,
Helonias dioica root, a. a. 3iv.

Mix. Ft. A gallon of syrup. Sig. Give a wineglass full three times a day. As a remedy to act upon the blood and upon the disease itself I am of the opinion that it cannot be excelled.

Phosphorus. Some patients suffering from cancer seem to have the hemorrhagic diathesis; “slight wounds bleed much.” We find this condition in fibroids, fungoids and cancers. Such patients should bc given phosphorus. Dose, add fifteen drops of the sixth decimal dilution to half a glass of water and give of this mixture a teaspoonful every two hours.

Phytolacca Decandra. I consider this remedy the most valuable one that we have in the treatment of cancer. It is indicated especially in cancer of the breast, when the breast is hard like “old cheese,” painful and of a purple color. As an “all round” remedy for cancer (I have used it in the Comp. Syr. Phytolacca for over forty years) it stands without a rival. When I use it alone I give five drops of tincture phytolacca once in three hours. It is indicated in cancerous tumors of the rectum. In these cases I use phytolaccin one-fourth grain once in three hours. In cancer of the throat it leads all other remedies. It undoubtedly acts as an absorbent in fibroid tumors of the uterus. In cancer of the uterus I have always believed that this remedy had a curative effect. I have seen medicine prepared for the treatment of cancer that cost $5.00 and $10.00 a bottle that would not have the curative effect on cancer that my Comp. Syr. Phytolacca had. It is especially valuable in patients past the middle age — on the down hill of life. Phytolacca is a remedy that the early fathers of the Eclectic School claimed as a cure for cancer, but no Eclectic author has ever given an indication for a remedy for its use in cancer. It often happens that if we do not find the indications for a remedy in the materia medica of one school of medicine, we may find it in that of some of the other schools. Our Homeopathic friends have given us an indication for the use of this drug in cancer.

Sanguinaria Canadensis. This remedy is useful in cancer of the rectum. Give sanguinarin one-eighth grain once in three hours.

Scrophularia Marylandica. I regard this remedy as one of the most valuable remedies we have in the treatment of cancer in its advanced stages, when there are lumps in the neck and in the axilla. It has been handed down to us by the fathers of the Eclectic School of Medicine. This is one of the remedies that helped them to make their splendid reputation in the successful treatment of cancer. It is one of the ingredients of the “Comp. Syr. Scrophularia” — see formula elsewhere.

Sempervivum Tectorum. This remedy is indicated in scirrhus cancer of the tongue, when the side of the tongue is ulcerated, very sore and painful. The whole mouth seems to be tender and sensitive. In such cases you should prescribe tincture Sempervivum second decimal dilution, five drops once in three hours. Apply the following locally:

Tinct. Sempervivum, 3ii
Glycerine, 3ii.
Mix. Sig. Paint it on the diseased surface three times a day.

Sepia. In epithelial cancer upon the lip, which bleeds often, has a broad base, with burning pain, pricking as trituration of thuja, giving three tablets night and morning. In some of your cases of cancer your remedies may not have the effect you expect them to have; your patient does not show the curative action of your remedies. If you search carefully their past history you will find one or more vaccinations that left the patient with some or all of the above symptoms. Give thuja as directed above and you will see a change for the better in your patient. Thuja is the remedy indicated in cancerous tumors of the rectum, that have not ulcerated. You should use it by injecting twenty drops every other day in to the tumor. I am of the opinion that thuja is a strong rival of phytolacca in cancer of the throat. It is a useful remedy in cauliflower cancer of the uterus. It should be injected into the growth and applied locally. It is also valuable in bleeding fungus of the breast.

By the splendid cures that the fathers of the Eclectic School of Medicine made in cancer, consumption, pneumonia, diphtheria, typhoid fever, cerebro spinal meningitis, cholera, scarlet fever and other diseases, they made it possible for us to have such a thing as an Eclectic School of Medicine. All honor to them, and when an Eclectic says any of the above diseases cannot be cured he is simply casting a reflexion on the founders of his school and his own Alma Mater. The founders of the Eclectic School made their reputation by doing things, by the cures that they made.

“Lives of great men all remind us
We can make our lives sublime,
And departing leave behind us
Footprints on the sands of time.”

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