Prescription Alternatives –hundreds of safe, natural, prescription-free remedies to restore your health & energy by Earl Mindell, R.Ph.D. & Virginia Hopkins, M.A.
by Earl Mindell, R.Ph.D. & Virginia Hopkins, M.A. This is a gem of a book that compares traditional medical prescription ...

Herbal Medicine, Healing and Cancer by Donald R. Yance, Jr. C.N., M.H., A.H.G. with Arlene Valentine
A comprehensive program for prevention and treatment by Donald R. Yance, Jr. C.N., M.H., A.H.G. with Arlene Valentine, publ by ...

Herbal Medicine: From The Heart of the Earth, Sharol Tilgner, N.D.
by Sharol Tilgner, N.D., Published by Wise Acres Publishing, P.O. Box 1168, Creswell, OR 97426 or www.herbaltransitions.com This is the best ...

Chinese Herbal Secrets by Stefan Chmelik, publ. by Avery
Chinese Herbal Secrets by Stefan Chmelik, publ. by Avery $17.95. Now this book is a gem! Full color illustrations on ...

Wind in the Blood: Mayan Healing and Chinese Medicine
by Garcia et al. published by North Atlantic Books, $20.00. More evidence for my hypothetical thesis of Planetary Herbalism, that ...

Pulses and Impulses by Graham Townsend and Ysha De Donna
Pulses and Impulses by Graham Townsend and Ysha De Donna is oriented around Chinese pulse indications but is translatable by ...

The Atlas of Chinese Tongue Diagnosis
by Kirschbaum, published by Eastland Press The Atlas of Chinese Tongue Diagnosis by Kirschbaum, published by Eastland Press is the ...

Herbal Medicine by Rudolf Weiss M.D. and Volker Fintelmann, M.D. second edition, revised and expanded 1999
In view of some of my colleagues' opinion of this book I must change my original assessment based on a ...

The One Earth Herbal Sourcebook by Alan Tillotson
The One Earth Herbal Sourcebook by Alan Tillotson, published by Twin Streams Health. An important new herb book written by ...

Treating Cancer with Herbs by Michael Tierra
In this book, Dr. Tierra provides a complete, systematic approach to treating cancer from a holistic perspective, while detailing the ...

Healing with the Herbs of Life by Lesley Tierra
by Michael & Lesley Tierra Healing with the Herbs of Life by Lesley Tierra Lesley's new book, Healing with the ...

Book Review: The Adrenal Thyroid Revolution by Dr. Aviva Romm
Do you experience weight gain, fatigue, brain fog, hormonal imbalances, sleep problems, gut imbalances, high cholesterol and/or blood pressure, digestive ...

Book Review: “Eat Wheat” by Dr. John Douillard
Gluten or dairy intolerant? You may not need to give up wheat and dairy, says Dr. John Douillard, DC, in his ...

Triphala: Effective Treatment for Gingivitis
Anyone who knows me knows that I believe the traditional Ayurvedic formula called Triphala is the greatest single herbal formula ...

Book Review: Dandelion Hunter by Rebecca Lerner
With an overly stuffed plateful of responsibilities sandwiched between a week-long seminar of East West students and a month-long trip ...

Book Review: Modern Herbal Medicine by Steven Horne and Thomas Easley
Steven Horne is one of the leaders the herbal renaissance which began with only a few of us during the ...

Book Review: Botany in a Day gets a new color edition
Many years ago, Montana resident Thomas J. Elpel dropped off a manuscript entitled Botany in a Day at my office ...

Book Review: “Brew Your Medicine” by Kristi Shapla
Making alcohol from plants is the origin of pharmacy. As such, it became closely associated with ancient doctor-shamans who made ...

Breitenbush 2011: A 30-Year-Reunion for North American Pioneer Herbalists
Breitenbush 2011 portrait: Leaning on the rail: (unknown). Left to right, top row: Ken Collins, Autumn Summers Spelman, Kevin Spelman, Daniel Pinney. Next ...

Book Review: Ayurveda in Nepal by Vaidya Mana Bajra Bajracharya
Book Review: Ayurveda in Nepal, Volume One: Ayurvedic Principles, Diagnosis and Treatment by Vaidya Mana Bajra Bajracharya Edited by Vaidya Madhu ...

Book Review: “The Naming of Names: The Search for Order in the World of Plants” by Anna Pavord
The Naming of Names: The Search for Order in the World of Plants by Anna Pavord (New York, NY: Bloomsbury, 2005) ...

A Short Comparison of the Spleen in TCM and Western Medicine
I recently heard a teleconference on mitochondrial DNA, which got me to thinking about a study I had read years ...

Book Review: Chinese Herbal Medicines: Comparisons and Characteristics
by Michael Tierra L. Ac., OMD, AHG I recently picked up a treasure of a book entitled Chinese Herbal Medicines: ...