Another Use for Ragweed: Treating Coughs Caused by Post Nasal Drip
In a previous blog, I described ragweed as one of the most notorious herbs known for causing severe allergies and, ...

Sugarless Herbal Cranberry Relish
The winter holiday season is fast approaching with all foods we all look forward each year. As an herbalist, I ...

Perspectives on Devil’s Claw from a South African Herbalist
The African continent is a treasure trove of medicinal herbs. Recently Lesley and I visited South Africa first as tourists, ...

Is He Shou Wu Safe?
The root of he shou wu (Polygonum multiflorum), also known as “fleece flower,” has been popularly in use for centuries ...

Breathe Away Your Stress and Anxiety
“Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor.” -- Thich Nhat Hanh “Take ...

Loquat: The Cough Killer
Loquat leaf (Eriobotrya japonica et spp.), is named pi pa ye in the traditional Chinese materia medica. The name of ...

Lemongrass: An Overlooked Medicinal Herb
There are so many reasons that otherwise great botanicals are overlooked for their therapeutic uses. One example is echinacea, arguably ...

Garlic and Ginger, not Echinacea, for Colds
The secret to successfully treating the common cold and cough is to differentiate the type based on Traditional Chinese diagnostics ...

Mahanayaran Oil for Pain and Injury
Are you ready to hear about a medicinal named after a supreme god? Because of its rejuvenative healing properties Mahanarayana ...

Goji Berries for Macular Degeneration
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a degenerative condition affecting the central part of the retina (the macula). It is the ...

Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang: A formula for chronic fatigue and long Covid
In this discussion, TCM organs describe functions that do not perfectly correspond to what we know regarding the Western anatomical ...

Shen Qu: An Extraordinary Digestive Aid
Shenqu, called by various names “massa fermentata,” “Chinese yogurt,” and mysterious ferment,” was first recorded in the Yaoxing Bencao (ca ...

Better than Turmeric? Guggul for Pain
Of the hundreds of herbs Ayurveda has to offer, guggul is one of the most important ones to add to ...

Bacopa: The Herb You Don’t Want to Forget
Research has shown that regularly taking Bacopa monnieri for eight to twelve weeks can improve your memory. “Nootropic” is a pharmaceutical term ...

Triphala and Ghee for Dry Eyes and Other Eye Problems
Triphala consists of three phytonutrient-rich fruits Emblica officinalis (Amla, or Amalaki) also known as Phyllanthus emblica; Terminalia bellerica (Vibhitaki); and Terminalia chebula ...

Eating Garden Weeds 1 of 2: Lamb’s Quarters
It seems that each year it is getting increasingly more difficult to depend on my garden to produce enough to ...

Book Review: Scheid and Ellis’ “Handbook of Formulas in Chinese Medicine”
“It is quite important to know what kind of a patient the disease has got as to know what kind ...

Saffron: An Herb Worth Its Weight in Gold, Part 2 of 2
After traveling to places in Arabia where saffron and other herbs and spices were sold and used, I attended a ...

Oatmeal Qi Tonic Porridge
A selection of Chinese tonic herbs The Importance of Qi in the Body Qi means “life energy.” The source of ...

Treating Gum Disease with Astringent Herbs
Unfortunately, too many people think about their teeth only in crisis stage. A common pre-crisis symptom is receding gums. This ...

TCM and Western Clinical Tongue Diagnosis
When was the last time you visited a doctor and the first thing asked of you was to show your ...

Protection for You and Yours: A Holiday Gift Idea
Every December we try to offer some possibilities for gifts you can make or buy to enhance your holidays. It's ...

Ashwagandha, Milk, Energy, and Sleep
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is described as a rasayana in Ayurvedic medicine. In Ayurveda, rasayanas are used as Traditional Chinese medicine ...

Draksha: Ayurvedic Grape Wine Medicine
Asava and arishta, meaning “distillate” in Sanskrit, are two naturally fermented alcoholic extracts used for making Ayurvedic wine medicines. Draksha ...

Huckleberry Fruit and Leaf for Diabetes
Many years ago, while visiting Baton Rouge, Louisiana, I happened upon a local herb shop. While perusing jars of dry ...

Coix: An Underutilized Medicinal Food
“Let your medicine be your food and your food, your medicine.” The sovereign dictum of Hippocrates is aptly epitomized by ...

So Much More than “Swamp Water”: Liu Wei Di Huang Wan
My acupuncture teacher, Dr. Miriam Lee, said she never studied herbs but she had a very busy practice in San ...

Can homeopathy stave off harmful effects of vaccinations?
Many mothers are afraid to give their babies and young children vaccinations. Pro and con arguments on both sides make ...

Rediscovering Boneset for Influenza
In the midst of the current pandemic, I'm surprised how little mention there is of boneset, once considered the number ...

Boost Your Immunity This Flu Season
So far, 14,000 people have died and 250,000 people have been hospitalized during the 2019-2020 flu season, according to preliminary estimates from the ...

Saffron: An Herb Worth Its Weight in Gold, Part 1 of 2
Recently Lesley and I toured Jerusalem and various parts of Arabia featured in the Bible. One of our stops was ...

Balthazar’s Gift: Frankincense
Have you ever wondered what the Holy Family did with the three gifts brought to them from the far-off lands ...

Healing Soup at the Award-Winning East West Free Clinic
“Let food be your medicine.” -- Hippocrates I founded the East West Free Natural Health Clinic in Santa Cruz, California, ...

Horny Goat Weed: Herbal Viagra for Men and Women
It is virtually inevitable when lecturing on herbs that a man might surreptitiously take me aside and ask for an ...

Herbs and Acupoints for Better Sleep
Sleep is a period of reduced activity where we leave waking consciousness to drift into a land of dreams and ...

Cat’s Claw, Dragon’s Blood and Quassia in Costa Rica
On our recent second visit to Costa Rica, we re-experienced the wondrous biodiversity of its plants, exotic wildlife, volcanoes, and ...

Healing Breath: Remedies for Stress
“The perfected breathe all the way to their heels, unlike ordinary folk who breathe only as far as their throats.” ...

Lemon Balm: For More Than Just Depression
The renowned 16th century English herbalist, Nicholas Culpeper, described the use of lemon balm for depression by quoting Serapio who ...

Amla: Super Antioxidant Fruit of India
Oxidation in the body is a natural process caused when wandering electrons called free radicals react with other molecules. Oxidation ...

Korean Hand Therapy
Korean Hand Therapy (KHT) was discovered by Tai Woo Yoo, OMD, PhD, a South Korean acupuncturist, in 1971, when he ...

Hawthorn Oxymel
Oxymel is one of the oldest herbal preparations. The word is derived from the Latin oxmeli meaning “acid and honey” ...

Mung Bean for Hypertension
Mung Bean for Hypertension Hypertension is a major risk indicator for heart attack and stroke. In the United States, approximately ...

Nutmeg: for Insomnia, Anxiety and Better Intimacy
Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans), a common kitchen spice with a warming, spicy energy, is used to add flavor to desserts and ...

Chyawanprash: A Delicious, Nutritious Herbal Tonic
Once when comparing relative merits of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Ayurvedic medicine with an Ayurvedic doctor in India, the ...

Common Misconceptions about Herbal Medicine
Recently, someone wrote me in response to an article I wrote on the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) principle of dui ...

Fish Oil Not What You Expected? Try Herbs for Cardiovascular Health
A recent article published in the New York Times has questioned the value of one of the sacred cows of ...

I Tried Everything for Shingles. Here’s What Worked.
For the last 3 1/2 weeks, I’ve been suffering from shingles and postherpetic neuralgia. It is a terrible condition. There ...

Salmonella contamination of kratom
Recently the CDC announced that some 40 cases of salmonella associated with individuals who took certain batches of kratom. I’ve ...

Remembering Victoria Fortner: Herbalist, Healer, Friend
Victoria Fortner, herbalist and artist, was a beloved elder and member of the American Herbalists Guild. She passed away nearly ...

Intranasal Calamus Oil: Effective Treatment for Down Syndrome and Autism
I have been treating a young man with Down Syndrome mostly with acupuncture over the course of years. His mother ...
How to Prevent Flu with Herbs
An old Chinese folk adage “Trying to cure disease after it has begun is like trying to forge weapons while ...

What’s a Tonic?
"Tonic" in TCM specifically refers to herbs that: increase Qi, usually through enhanced absorption and mitochondrial replication nourish Blood, usually ...

A Recipe for Chinese Three Treasure Tonic Tea
While acknowledging all the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) principles of healing, a branch of TCM called Taoist Traditional Chinese Medicine ...

Herbal Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis
I really like when I can use a standard protocol for a disease and receive consistently good results. This ...

Kratom: Uses, Dosage, Administration, and Contraindications
See Part 1 of my series on kratom here. I work at a local free clinic alongside other students and ...

Kratom: The Herbal Pain-Relieving Answer to the Opioid Epidemic?
As of the beginning of August 2017, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) published notice of the state of the ...

Not All Sugar Is Bad: Glucose for Your Brain, Nerves, Heart and Muscles
Could you ever imagine yourself as being ‘sugar deprived?’ Do you find yourself unable to sleep soundly throughout the night, ...

Tinnitus Treatments by East West Teacher Holly Hutton
What's that sound? Why won't it go away? Tinnitus, commonly known as "ringing in the ears" and the perception of ...

Treating Arthritis, Lower Back and Joint Pains
Arthritis, joint and back pain is so prevalent throughout the world that there really is no point to describe how many ...

The Three Levels of Healing
In my previous blog on treating H. pylori-induced stomach inflammation with herbs, I touch briefly on a fundamental difference between conventional ...

Herbs for H. pylori and gastric inflammation
Recently, a colleague sent me the following question: A friend in Canada tested positive for H. pylori bacteria. Of course, ...

Two Acupoints for the Price of One: GB 20 and Krikatika Marma for Allergies, Headache and More
Acupressure applied to Gall Bladder 20. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) there are 361 charted acupuncture points on ...

An Unforgettable Educational and Cultural Experience: East West Students in China
Michael Tierra with a view of the Huangshan mountain range. The East West Herb Course and TCMZone organized a special ...

Tonic Herb Master Ron Teeguarden Visits East West Seminar
by Beverly Jennings, RH (AHG), MT, East West School of Planetary Herbology Graduate East West students were fortunate to have the opportunity ...

Where Music and Herbalism Meet: Notes on “Arcana”
“Northwest Passage” The amazing music of composer, Alex Shapiro Featuring the world premiere of ARCANA: SUITE FOR PIANO commissioned by ...

Curing Pills: Don’t Leave Home without Them
The most widely used Chinese herbal formula comes with the boastful name, “Curing Pills.” In North America and Europe any ...

Triphala and Elderberry for IBS
My clinical experience using the Ayurvedic formula Triphala is extensive, based on literally thousands of cases over the course or ...

Calm Your Mind, Silence Your Thoughts with Bindi Tapping
Wouldn’t it be nice if we all had a little spot on our head that we could tap to clear ...

Colds, Flu and Fevers: Just Sweat It Out
One of my favorite movies, Where the Wild Lilies Bloom (1974), tells the story of a family of five Appalachian ...

East West Free Clinic Update: Bleeding and cupping treatment for severe back pain
Michael Tierra applies cups to a patient with severe back pain at the East West Free Clinic in Santa Cruz ...

Untangling Yin Deficiency with Heat
As we continue this blog series on Yin Deficiency (with Heat), I want to make clear that the description of ...

The Concept of “Heat” in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Heat is an extremely common condition in Traditional Chinese Medical Diagnosis. In Ayurveda Heat can be described as pitta and ...

Hawthorn Fruit Wine: An Herb for Healing and Opening the Heart
How beautiful in autumn shadows, the blood red berries of hawthorn are! Drooping in small clusters along thorny branches they ...

Faith, Herbs or Placebo?
In desperation, a family with strong ‘old world’ roots brought to my office their beloved father, a humble Italian man ...

Studies substantiating the energetic properties of herbs based on flavors and organ meridians
Can the claims of traditional herbal medicine be substantiated scientifically? Because trials are expensive and because there is no profit ...

A Better Way to Reap the Phenomenal Benefits of Noni
Mention “noni” (Morinda citrifolia) to anyone who has tasted the fermented fruit, and the conversation is over. Some people would ...

Introducing: the East West Free Herbal Clinic
East West Free Clinic herbalists Maureen Flash, Erin Massengale, Michael McEvoy, Beverly Jennings. I have always had the desire to ...

New York Attorney’s Botched Attempt to Regulate the Herbal Industry
A much-touted recent investigation by the New York State Attorney general’s office claimed national store brand herbal supplements sold at ...

The Low-FODMAP Elimination Diet
My last two blog posts attempted to answer two questions: 1. Is it really necessary for all or even the majority ...

Perceived Gluten Sensitivity and Traditional Herbal Approaches
Gluten sensitivity and the TCM Spleen The unique concept of the ‘Spleen’ in TCM encompasses far more than the standard ...

Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity — Fact or Fiction?
12/1/2014 In my 40 years of involvement as an herbalist in the natural health movement, I’ve seen a panoply of ...

Cayenne: Another Rude, Crude, Unsung Hero
Like garlic, cayenne pepper (Capsicum annum) is one of those rude, crude herbs that has staunch friends and enemies. Regarded ...

Ebola and Traditional Chinese Medicine: Nothing New Under the Sun?
While I don’t think it is appropriate for any herbalist or alternative practitioner to claim to be an expert in ...

Herbal “Flavor” vs. “Taste”: What’s the Difference?
While many people may think that taste and flavor are the same, they are actually different. Here’s why: Taste refers ...

Garlic: Rude, Crude, Unsung Hero
Ever wonder why you never hear mention of certain well-known herbs in the higher echelons of herbal medicine? Garlic is ...

Current Herbal Regulation in the UK
Be it ordained established and enacted by authority of this present parliament, that at all time from henceforth, it shall ...

Wild Cherry, One of the Great North American Herbs
Wild cherry bark (Prunus serotina, P. virginiana) also known as choke cherry, is one of several herbal remedies that contain ...

Salmonella in Spices and the Herbal Treatment of Food Poisoning
The FDA’s recent report on "Pathogens and Filth in Spices" finding salmonella in imported spices, especially from India and Mexico, ...

Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang to treat a wide range of diseases based in Spleen Qi and Yin Deficiency
Besides the ancient traditions of Traditional Chinese Medicine based on the Huangdi Neijing and the Nan Jing, there have been ...

Treating Chronic, Complicated Conditions with Li Dong Yuan’s Pi Wei Lun
Chinese medicine divides diseases into two broad categories: 1. Diseases of "external contraction" (Wei Guan), which are relatively simple conditions ...

Simple Steps to Health and Happiness
To feel healthy, strong, vibrant, and vital each day sets the stage for all the other virtues, hope and interest ...

A tiny new addition to our East West family
We are pleased to welcome to the East West family Áine Amanita Rose McCormack, born to East West graduate Anne ...

Corydalis yanhusuo for inflammatory and neuropathic pain
I'm not sure when the use of poppy for the relief of pain was made illegal for herbalists, but it ...

Premio 10: The Most Useful Healing Tool I Discovered in 2013
It’s hard to believe that only about 25 years ago computers became the thing and I and a few of ...

Gifts for Herbalists (and Others) on Your List
Numen: The Nature of Plants A film about the healing power of plants http://www.numenfilm.com This is the most beautiful film ...

Clinician’s Corner: Pulse Diagnosis
I recently gave a free in-depth introductory webinar on pulse diagnosis. We have since published it on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6WTq0GhnyQ Pulse ...

Weight Loss Plateaus and Exercise
A close member of my family recently went on a weight loss diet and happily dropped 25 pounds within two ...

Some Useful Ideas and Tips for Weight Loss
The word is finally getting out. Approximately one third of Americans are overweight. As a result, they suffer from a ...

Maral Root: A Lesser Known Adaptogen from Russia
"Adaptogen" is a term coined by Russian professor of medicine and physiological medicine Dr. Israel I. Brekhman and colleagues to ...

Global Warming and My Garden
I think climate change is affecting my garden in Ben Lomond, California (a section of which shown at right). It ...

Moxa for Menstrual Irregularities, Infertility and Insomnia
Menstrual Irregularities and Infertility Conception Vessel 4, called guan yuan or "origin pass"is located approximately two inches above the top ...

Moxa for Back Pain, Colds and Flu
Last time, I talked about moxibustion and its uses on the acupuncture point Stomach 36. There are several other uses and ...

Moxibustion and Stomach 36
Moxibustion, commonly called "moxa," is one of the methods used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) where the downy fluff of ...

Butterbur for Allergies
In my previous blog, I discussed the little-known use of ragweed for allergies. Another herb that can give over-the-counter antihistamines ...

Like Treats Like: Ragweed to Treat Allergies
Spring conjures images of life renewed, flowery blooms, love and mating. But for one in five people, it means shutting ...

The “Bitter Brew” Vindicated by Science
Before there was any understanding of biochemical constituents, traditional herbal healing systems relied on flavors as indicators of medicinal properties ...

Influenza Revisited
Here it is again – another influenza epidemic claimed to be the biggest in 10 years. We’re bombarded by the ...

Triphala for Ulcerative Colitis: A Case Study
Ulcerative Colitis Ulcerative colitis affects approximately 100 out of 100,000 people in the United States. Genetic disposition and food sensitivities ...

How to Lose Weight: One Herbalist’s Journey
A few months ago, I found myself asking the question that so many of my students and colleagues were polite ...

Exploring the Rewilded Cave of Ancient Hawaii
Hawaii is the endangered species capital of the United States, according to paleoecologist David Burney, author of Back to the ...

Dui Yao Therapy: When Two Herbs are Better than One
Most herbalists have learned that preparing several herbs in a formula which are extracted together or brewed into a tea ...

Herbal Medicines: The Most Effective Ways and the Best Times to Take Them
Once upon a time, when people got sick they knew that that they must "drink their bitter brew" to get ...

Wildcrafting in the Sierra Wilderness
Michael Tierra in the Sierra, August 2012 "I'm gathering pulsatilla which is all around me. There are also stands of ...

Adulteration of Chinese Herbs: A Different Perspective
The nondescript appearance of herbs in their dried or powdered form, coupled with their high commercial value, has historically made ...

Bermuda Grass (Durva): The Second Holiest Herb; The Number One Weed!
Many of my readers will have heard that holy basil (also known as tulsi, Ocimum sanctum/tenuiflorum) is the most sacred herb in ...

Dandelion, Burdock, and Cancer
Dandelion root and burdock root are my two most commonly prescribed herbs when chronic conditions require anti-inflammatory, blood purifying alternatives ...

Preventing and Treating Seasonal Allergies with Neti, Triphala and Honey
According to a medical researcher on the Dr. Oz show, because of the early Spring and prolonged proliferation of windborne ...

Why Herbs Aren’t Regulated the Same Way Drugs Are
In its February-April 2012 issue, HerbalGram, one of the most reputable and distinguished journals in the world on all things ...

White Rice vs. Brown Rice: Which Is Best?
Despite the overwhelming evidence of the added health benefits of fiber, vitamins and minerals of whole grains, most traditional Chinese ...

Belief, Placebo, and True Healing
Healing should always leave room for the miraculous to occur, and our belief system is usually the foundation that allows ...

Protect yourself from the holiday blues with an herbal talisman
A wise sage once told me "where there is great light, there is great darkness." For many, this is especially ...

Aviva Romm and the AHG
Despite their shared love of nature, plants, caring for the earth, animal and human life -- herbalists as a bunch ...

Panax Ginseng: The World’s Greatest Tonic Herb
The entire class of tonics in Chinese medicine is defined as herbs that "make things normal." They are regarded as ...

It Doesn’t Have to Taste Bad!: Administering Herbal Medicines to Children by Michael Tierra
Your child is sick and you'd like to try administering herbs rather than drugs. The reason is obvious: you correctly ...

Walnuts: For Back Pain, Stress, High Cholesterol, Weight Loss, Longevity and Fish!
I always think it's a good idea to learn to derive your special nutrients from foods rather than pills and ...

All complementary medicine is placebo? Gimme a break!
A recent article published in the Economist (May 19, 2011) entitled 'Think Yourself Better' claims that all alternative medical treatments ...

Springtime Colds, Flu and/or Allergies
In the springtime, when birds do sing, tree pollen flings, eyes itch, noses clog, throats do hack '" hey ding ...

Herbs and Supplements for Radiation Exposure
The threat of exposure from the nuclear reactors in Japan made unstable by the recent earthquake has captured the world's ...

Traditional Herbal and Western Conventional Medical Treatment Options for Hypertension
If you suffer from hypertension, several avenues of treatment are available to you. How do you choose what is best ...

Know Your Ferment Metabolites
Nancy Angelini, the author of the article, "What Exactly Are Ferment Metabolites?" which I'm featuring in this blog post, is ...

EU Set to Ban Hundreds of Herbal Remedies in 2011
An article published in the UK Independent on Dec. 30, 2010, reports: 'From 1 May 2011, traditional herbal medicinal products must ...

Does the U.S. really have the greatest healthcare system in the world?
My friend Don Monkerud recently sent me his periodic political critique which included the following: 'Corporate controlled politicians claim America ...

The Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease: Part 3
Thus far in this series we have described two other powerful herbs for coronary heart disease: hawthorn from the Western ...

The Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease: Part 2
Sage Advice For the treatment of Coronary Heart Disease It's not too often that a representative of a pharmaceutical company ...

The Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease with Herbs: Part 1
It's no secret that cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains the #1 killer in the United States. Estimates are that 81,100,000 people ...

DMSO: What’s Good for Your Horse Just May Be Good for You
For years I have known and used DMSO for the topical relief of inflammation and pain. It's unfortunate that even ...

Eat a Full Fat Breakfast and Lose Weight?
I've lived through 40 years of fad diets ranging from Adele Davis, living foods, Paul Bragg, juice diets, macrobiotic, low ...

Richo Cech, Plant Whisperer and Author of “The Medicinal Herb Grower”
Above: Richo Cech in Zanzibar Just as a horse whisperer understands the particular needs and psychology of horses, a plant ...

Honeysuckle: Taking the Bitter with the Sweet
Each spring, the honeysuckle flowers gather at the end of their stems to trumpet their sweet, gentle scent of purification ...

Triphala, Honey, and Castor Oil for Healthy Eyes
During the 1970s on one of my trips to Bangalore in southern India, I made it a point to seek ...

Forget H1N1; The real world health threat is Big Pharma
Almost exactly one year ago today, I published a blog post, 'Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Flu,' about the ...

When Does “Health-Conscious” Become “Health-Obsessed”?
My first Chinese herb teacher Foon Lee Wong once cryptically remarked: "It's not good to be too healthy." Since then ...

Pomegranate compounds inhibit breast cancer
The pomegranate (Punica granitum), highly touted these days as an antioxidant-rich superfruit, has an ancient metaphysical and culinary history. In ...

The Art of Herbal Formulary
In the marketplace, it is often more difficult to sell the general public on an herbal formula as opposed to ...

Acid Reflux Disease (GERD): Causes, Treatment and Prevention
It's no secret that acid reflux is a widespread condition. Just think of all the antacid, Nexium or Prilosec advertisements you've seen ...

Sow Some Wild Oats this Valentine’s Day
For a good 'romp in the hay' this Valentine's Day, be sure the hay is oat straw! Wild oat straw ...

What You See Is What You Eat: Portion Control
As I mentioned in last week's blog, exercise and wise dieting principles aren't enough to help you reach your optimal ...

20 Tips for Achieving Optimal Weight and Healthy Eating
I'm rounding out this trio of blogs on diet and weight management with the following 20 tips. Under each tip ...

10 Principles for Achieving Optimal Weight and Healthy Eating
After the period of feasting from Thanksgiving through Christmas, the New Year leads many of us to think about getting ...

UK set for herbal regulation? Say it ain’t so!
This Dec. 1, 2009, article at the BBC website entitled "Prince Charles: 'Herbal medicine must be regulated'" points to a ...

Dragon’s Eyes — Longan Berries
Driving on Highway 50, the only highway on the island of Kauai, during morning traffic, a sign advertising fresh Longan ...
Bacopa monnieri: The True Brahmi
Both gotu kola (Centella asiatica and/or Hydrocotyle asiatica) and Bacopa monnieri (pictured at left) are known as "brahmi."This has created ...

Onion Poultice for Deep-Seated Coughs
Have you ever had one of those lingering, deep-seated coughs (often the last hanger-on symptom after a cold or flu) ...

Alleviate Grief with Albizia, “The Tree of Happiness”
Albizia is one of my favorite herbs because of its real and unique ability to nourish the spirit in a ...

Swine Flu Vaccinations and Antiviral Drugs: A Matter of Faith
There is mounting fear -- and perhaps even hysteria -- around the H1N1 virus as we usher in the fall ...

Beyond cranberry: Simple and effective herbal treatment for urinary tract infections
Recently a friend of mine called to say that she had a terrible bladder infection. Her doctor prescribed an antibiotic, ...

Universal health care for the United States?
Have you noticed the lack of health care in your area? I have, in Santa Cruz. So many GPs have ...

Miriam Lee (1926-2009): the mother of North American Acupuncture
"This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ...

In Search of the True Mediterranean Diet
Corfu Bay: Practically every square yard of arable land is covered with olive trees or grapevines As someone who's worked ...

The Mighty Ashwagandha, Superior Aphrodisiac and Male Fertility Tonic
Ashwagandha root (Withania somnifera) is considered a most important herb in Ayurvedic medicine. Its ability to serve as a tonic ...

Pressed for Time: Piano and Plants in Fort Worth, Texas
Pianos... I'm in Fort Worth right now, at the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition. As a classical pianist, the opportunity ...

Herbology and Herbalism: Two Sides of the Same Coin
Recently on our East West Herb Course private student forum, a student asked about my distinction between the terms 'herbology' ...

Swine Flu: Media hype and a boon to the pharmaceutical industry
Who's afraid of the Big Bad Flu? I know many of us are concerned about Swine Flu, and as I ...

Oregano: An herbal treatment for MRSA?
Have you seen those PSAs for MRSA (methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus) that have made their way onto primetime television lately? ...

Kudzu found effective for relief of cluster headaches
If you or someone you know is one of the unfortunate 0.1% of the population who suffers from cluster headaches, ...

Michael Moore, 1941-2009
Michael Moore, the great Southwestern herbalist of North America, left his earthly dwelling for other realms on Friday, Feb. 20, ...

The Age of the Piano Recital is Not Dead!
Been to a piano recital lately? Thanks to the dedication of the impresarios at the UCSC Arts and Lecture Series ...

“Birds Do It, Bees Do It:” Foods and herbs to spice up your love life
When the little bluebird Who has never said a word Starts to sing Spring When the little bluebell At the ...

Fasting for Detoxification and Weight Loss
We're already halfway through January! How are you doing with your health-centered New Year's resolutions? In my last post on diet ...

An Appeal for Complementary, Integrated Health Care Modalities to Be a Part of Any Future American Health Care Plan
Please copy and sign the following petition and submit it to change.gov/agenda/health_care_agenda Then please send or forward it to as ...

New Year’s Resolution: don’t just lose weight, get healthy
It's the new year and guess what's on (almost) everyone's minds: Losing weight and dropping some of the pounds they ...

Celebrating the Seven Days of Kwanzaa: Skullcap for Faith
The theme for today, day seven of Kwanzaa, is Imani -- Faith: To believe with all our heart in our ...

Celebrating the Seven Days of Kwanzaa: Ginseng and Astragalus for Cooperative Economics
The meditation for today, the fourth day of Kwanzaa, is Ujamaa -- Cooperative Economics: To build and maintain our own ...

Celebrating the Seven Days of Kwanzaa: White Atractylodes for Purpose
The meditation for today, the fifth day of Kwanzaa, is Nia -- Purpose: To make our collective vocation the building ...

Celebrating the Seven Days of Kwanzaa: Goldenseal and Marijuana for Collective Work and Responsibility
The meditation theme for today, the third day of Kwanzaa, is Ujima -- Collective Work and Responsibility. I can hardly ...

Celebrating the Seven Days of Kwanzaa: Comfrey for Unity
Many of us have heard of the African-American celebration called Kwanzaa, but I must confess that I along with the ...

Celebrating the Seven Days of Kwanzaa: Cyperus for Self-Determination
The meditation for yesterday, the first day of Kwanzaa, was: Umoja (Unity): To strive for and maintain unity in the ...

The Botanic Gardens of Kauai and Humankind’s Infatuation with Plants
Lesley and I recently returned from a relaxing vacation on Kauai. Granted, it's not a large island, but by pure ...

Lemon balm and other mints for the treatment of herpes
It is well known that oils of aromatic herbs which include all the mints, lemon balm and sage serve the ...

My Favorite (Herbal) Things for Holiday Giving
With the holidays and the season for gift-giving upon us, I thought I'd put together an Oprah-style list of "My ...

Amazing Grace: President-elect Barack Obama
Like many of our friends, Lesley and I are ecstatic about Barack Obama's winning the American presidency. It lifts a ...

Crafting an Effective Treatment for Cancer Using Conventional and Complementary Methods
When someone is diagnosed with cancer, they of course seek the help of an oncologist. The oncologist, in turn, is ...

Looking back … and forward, at Natural Products Expo East
In 2008, Planetary Formulas (now renamed "Planetary Herbals" to account for many of the single herbs that have been incorporated ...

Dietary Cold and Flu Prevention Tips
An old method my mother used to prevent my catching airborne colds and flus was to go to the pharmacy ...

An Herbalist’s Autumn, plus Herbal Cold and Flu Prevention Tips
Autumn Parched over Sun's heated passion Causing plants to ripen Squirrels to scamper and work, And many colored leaves to ...

Welcome to our brand new home on the Web!
Behold, our new website! Many of you -- especially my own students -- will notice that it looks considerably different. Our goal ...